Papua New Guinea is a relatively young
country, having gained independence in 1975. Since then,
minerals - particularly gold and copper - have been the
backbone of the...
Type: BriefReport#: 93493Date: January 1, 2015Author:
Barry, Mamadou
A critical goal for aid and development
agencies is to ensure adequate amounts of food for all.
However, the definition of food security acknowledges that
the quality...
Providing transparent services through a
local Citizen Service Center mechanism requires process
re-engineering and the development of new management
systems. This learning...
A Strategic Impact Evaluation Fund(SIEF)
- funded research team attempted to measure the impact of
different approaches for boosting community involvement in
Third Party Monitoring (TPM) is an
additional layer added to the standard World Bank monitoring
framework. The ARTF TPM agents are contracted directly by
the World Bank,...
In many regions of central and northern
Tanzania, lives and livelihoods suffer from periodic
weather-related stress, particularly from below-normal
rainfall. The resulting...
Type: BriefReport#: 115230Date: January 1, 2015Author:
Wielinga,Doekle Geert
The landscape of Northeast Sri Lanka is
similar to so many countries emerging from conflict. After
more than two decades of civil war, the family structure has
In Nepal, both early marriage and
motherhood still place adolescents and their children at a
great disadvantage. In 2011, one-third of girls aged 15-19
were already...
Type: BriefReport#: 94085Date: January 1, 2015Author:
Aguilar Rivera,Ana Milena ;
Cortez,Rafael A.
Gender disaggregated data from the
Non-State Actors (NSAC) component of the DFGG Project
indicate that men and women are engaged in sub-projects in
fairly equal numbers....
Type: BriefReport#: 92180Date: January 1, 2015Author:
Dolk, Andreas ;
Plummer, Janelle [editor]
Although social accountability has been
a part of the development agenda in Cambodia for a few
years, only a limited number of non-state actors are
currently engaged...
Type: BriefReport#: 92169Date: January 1, 2015Author:
Dolk, Andreas ;
Plummer, Janelle
Indonesia has made a steady progress in
implementing trade reforms in recent years and this has been
one of several factors helping formal sector employment to
Conditional cash transfer programs are
often used to encourage poor families to take young children
for regular health check-ups and enroll them in school
decision making....
Type: BriefReport#: 96105Date: January 1, 2015Author:
deWalque, Damien ;
Dow, William H. ;
The small-holder farmers in the Kaolack
area mainly grow maize, groundnuts and millet. Most farmers
start off each season buy borrowing money from a
microfinance institution...
Many studies assessing poverty reduction
use repeated cross-sectional data to track trends over time
at the national level. However, panel data allows us to
track individuals...
Education is one of the surest means to
end poverty and boost shared prosperity, but much of this
potential is lost if students do not acquire the literacy
and numeracy...
With the government’s commitments to
education for all, Bangladesh has achieved its Millennium
Development Goal of gender parity in primary and secondary
education as...
This country case study is part of a
larger impact evaluation effort that reviews investment
climate (IC) reform programs implemented by the World Bank
Group (WBG) in...
Type: BriefReport#: 96188Date: January 1, 2015Author:
Economisti Associati
District heating distributes heat and
hot water to residential, commercial and public buildings
over a large area, often a town or city. This system of
heating has been...
The Pacific Island region is highly
vulnerable to natural disasters and climate-related hazards,
costing some countries up to an average of 6.6 percent gross
Type: BriefReport#: 94991Date: January 1, 2015Author:
Solomon Islands is at high risk to
natural hazards. Located in the Pacific Ring of Fire and
within the cyclone belt, it is one of the 20 countries in
the world most...
Type: BriefReport#: 93515Date: January 1, 2015Author:
Jordy,Denis Jean-Jacques
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