Located at the eastern-most point of the
New Guinea islands, Bougainville comprises two large and
many smaller islands. It has a population of approximately
Type: BriefReport#: 93517Date: January 1, 2015Author:
Johnson,Erik Caldwell
The one window service office and
district Ombudsmen initiative in Cambodia seeks to provide
more efficient, transparent and accountable administrative
services at the...
Population growth and economic
development, aggravated by climate change, will increase
pressure on energy and water resources. Integrated planning
can make the most...
Type: BriefReport#: 94655Date: January 1, 2015Author:
Delgado Martin,Anna ;
Rodriguez,Diego Juan ;
Sohns,Antonia Averill
The Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust
Fund (ARTF) results matrix provides an overview of the ARTF
portfolio. It lays out the planning hierarchy and links
between the...
From 2011 to 2014, the World Bank
supported two studies to evaluate the viability of the Rogun
Hydropower Project (HPP), proposed by the Government of
Tajikistan. The...
Type: BriefReport#: 101744Date: January 1, 2015Author:
Fields,Daryl ;
There are high inequalities in
performance in PISA among our program countries across all
subjects. In ECA countries, students from better off
households learn, on average,...
The Government of Papua New Guinea aims
to increase the size and economic contribution of the
domestic private sector consisting mainly of small and
medium enterprises...
Type: BriefReport#: 93516Date: January 1, 2015Author:
The extractive industries sector has
been vital to the local economy of Papua New Guinea for over
20 years. Extractives have contributed substantially to
Type: BriefReport#: 93519Date: January 1, 2015Author:
Heller,Katherine C.
A lack of maintenance and repairs since
the country's independence in 2002 has led to the poor
condition of most of Timor-Lestes road network. Despite
minor works on...
Type: BriefReport#: 93492Date: January 1, 2015Author:
Goller, Elisabeth
Access to resources is low across the
elementary and primary school systems in Papua New Guinea.
The National Department of Education (NODE) is keenly aware
that enrollment...
Over the past two decades, Nepal has
achieved economic growth and improvements in social and
health indicators. However, the poor nutritional status of
first, women,...
The floods were the main culprit behind
the weak domestic demand and the overall sluggish economic
performance in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) in 2014.
Economic activity...
Citizen outreach is a key part of the
one window service office (OWSO) initiative in Cambodia.
OWSO offices in district administrations launch the new
service in traditional...
The World Bank employs a systematic
approach, based on its public financial management system,
to minimize the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund’s
(ARTF’s) exposure...
The incentive program (IP) was set up in
2008 under the Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF)
to support policy reforms aimed at improving fiscal
Cogeneration, or Combined Heat and Power
(CHP), is a technology used to produce electricity and heat
from a single source. This allows for up to 90 percent total
Rising energy costs can lead to higher
production and distribution costs for businesses, eroding
long-term competitiveness and profitability. SMEs are
particularly vulnerable...
Between 2007 and 2012, Iraq's GDP
grew at a cumulative rate of over 40 percent, and averaged
an annual rate of 7 percent between 2008 and 2012. Yet, per
capita consumption,...
Malnutrition is responsible for nearly
half (45 percent) of all deaths in children under five.
Children who are undernourished between conception and age
two are at...
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
(MIGA) insures foreign direct investments against losses
related to: (i) currency inconvertibility and transfer
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