What will technological change deliver
in the coming decades? Higher unemployment? Or a wealth of
new job opportunities? And what can one do to determine the
The World Bank Group is committed to
eliminating extreme poverty by 2030 and boosting shared
prosperity by focusing on the bottom 40 percent. Expanding
access to clean...
A credit reporting system is an integral
part of a well-functioning credit market. It reduces
information asymmetries and helps increase access to credit.
It also improves...
Type: BriefReport#: 105114Date: February 1, 2016Author:
Chavez Sanchez,Edgar Ivan ;
Zand Yazdani,Yasmin ;
An education system is composed of all
the learning opportunities that are available in a society,
including those provided by government schools as well as
those offered...
Equipping the workforce with
job-relevant skills is a continuing challenge around the
world, and mismatches are a persistent concern. Many school
leavers and graduates...
National governments and international
agencies recognize the key role of student assessments in
building an effective education system. The assessments
provide information...
Women in Sub-Saharan Africa are less
likely than men to own land. They also use less land and
have lower tenure security over the land that they use. This
gap is costly...
Type: BriefReport#: 103188Date: February 1, 2016Author:
Goldstein,Markus P. ;
Houngbedji,Kenneth ;
Kondylis,Florence ;
O'Sullivan,Michael B. ;
Tuberculosis (TB) is a significant
problem within the Southern African mining industry. In
South Africa alone, TB rates within the mining workforce are
estimated at...
Tertiary education systems play a
critical role in creating the knowledge and human resources
needed for global competitiveness, economic growth, and
poverty alleviation....
Tuberculosis (TB) is a significant
problem within the Southern African mining industry. In
South Africa alone,TB rates within the mining workforce are
estimated at 2,500-3,000...
Small claims issue no. 9: Using
alternative dispute-resolution (ADR) mechanisms, such as
mediation and conciliation justice, is one of the ways that
courts have attempted...
Type: BriefReport#: 104145Date: February 1, 2016Author:
Gramckow,Heike P. ;
School autonomy and accountability are
key components of an education system that ensure
educational quality. The transfer of core managerial
responsibilities to schools...
Extreme poverty is a predominantly rural
phenomenon, and the poor quality of roads linking remote
areas to market centers is one of its distinguishing
features. The...
Type: BriefReport#: 107725Date: February 1, 2016Author:
Whalley,Oliver George
Anywhere in the world, teachers exert an
extraordinary influence on a child’s future. Today, they are
no longer just a source of information and knowledge. They
Even when quality schools, textbooks,
and teachers are all provided, children can only receive
effective education if they are in school and prepared to
learn. Poor...
Do countries more exposed to
macroeconomic volatility grow less than more stable nations?
Are profligate governments more likely to exacerbate
volatility? What about...
Type: BriefReport#: 103454Date: February 1, 2016Author:
Carneiro,Francisco Galrao ;
Nguyen, Ha ;
The World Bank is committed to working
with governments to give everyone the ability to lead
productive and healthy lives and getting youth ready for and
in jobs is...
Tuberculosis (TB) is a significant
problem within the Southern African mining industry. In
South Africa alone, TB rates within the mining workforce are
estimated at...
Globally, some 630 million people lack
access to safe drinking water and some 2.4 billion
people—about one third of the world’s population, do not
have access to a toilet....
Type: BriefReport#: 104143Date: February 1, 2016Author:
Marcus,Aliza ;
What will technological change deliver
in the coming decades? And what can we do to determine the
outcome? Technological change in any given society is never
Type: BriefReport#: 103148Date: February 1, 2016Author:
Raja,Siddhartha ;
Ampah,Mavis A.
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