The project was designed to help
mobilize funding from alternative sources, including
domestic institutional investors, in order to provide
financing to Argentine exporters....
The Baltic American Enterprise Fund
(BalAEF) is a privately managed Delaware corporation that
began operations in 1995. It is the first residential
mortgage securitization...
The project is the first private sector
student loan program in Chile targeting mainly low-income
students. Loans to qualified students are made by Banco de
Banco Davivienda was established in 1973
as a Corporacion de Ahorro y Vivienda (CAV) to supply
mortgage loans to the public. The primary objective of the
issue was to...
Banco BBA-Creditanstalt (BBA, the Bank)
is a private financial institution established in 1998 as a
joint venture between Creditanstalt-Bankverein and two
Five-year bond was issued by the Chuvash
Republic to finance its capital expenditure program. It was
the first sub-national bond in Russia issued with a
guarantee from...
Celtel Uganda Ltd. is the first
International Finance Corporation (IFC) risk sharing
facility for small and medium enterprise (SME) in the
telecommunications sector....
The transaction was structured as a
securitization of Drokasa’s current and future sales
receivables by using a bankruptcy remote trust domiciled in
Peru. It contributed...
European Microfinance Fund for Southeast
Europe (EFSE) channels long term resources for micro and
small business (MSBs) in Southeast Europe. International
Finance Corporation...
Introduction of a new source of
commercial funding for municipalities in Central America.
Investment of 46.2mn equivalent to finance the first phase
of TransMetro Mass...
Established in 2000, GMAC Financiera
(GMAC) is a wholly owned subsidiary of GMAC RFC, itself a
wholly owned subsidiary of US-based ResCap. It was
incorporated as part...
First local currency credit-linked
guarantee and the first sovereign-linked guarantee. First
IFC warehouse financing utilizing Brazilian FIDC to create
highly rated...
Rand 1bn (US 153 mn dollars equivalent)
12-year bond issue by the City of Johannesburg (South
Africa). Partial credit guarantee for 40 percent of
principal shared equally...
Partnership with a local bank to support
the private education sector in Kenya. First risk sharing
transaction in Kenya. Replicates a similar successful
education facility...
First Sharia-compliant asset-backed
securitization transaction in the Gulf Cooperation Council
(GCC) countries. First residential real estate-backed
securitization in...
Global Emerging Markets Cashflow CDO
managed by Pacific Investment Management Company LLC.
US400mn dollars Class C Notes and US15mn dollars
Subordinated Notes. Portfolio...
Strong demand for private education in
Ghana has resulted in tremendous growth in the number of
private schools. To accomplish this growth, it has been
necessary for...
Credit enhancement mechanism for bonds
and loans. Allows IFC to use its triple-A credit rating to
bring borrowers to market and/or extend debt maturity.
Guarantee can...
Risk sharing facility between Strathmore
University, a leading private educational institution in
Kenya, Commercial Bank of Africa, and IFC. Designed to
support private...
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis has
shown how extreme shocks can upend governments, firms, and
society. It has also heightened awareness of the threats
posed by climate...
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