Main Messages
Chapter 1 | Continued Resilience, Sluggish Wage Growth, Low Dynamism
Despite the region's solid macroeconomic management, growth prospects remain at a low level. These are not only a reflection of global conditions or a consequence of the pandemic but also reflect structural issues. Regional growth continues to be hindered by low levels of capital accumulation and productivity growth. Addressing these structural problems, as well as implementing necessary fiscal reforms, are important priorities for the governments of the region.
Chapter 2 | Wiring Latin America and the Caribbean for Growth and Inclusion: The Necessary Big Push
Harnessing the advantages of the digital economy while including the poorest and promoting better governance requires a combination of technological and institutional innovations. It is essential to facilitate access to the Internet, address accessibility issues, and expand digital skills. Other critical areas of action include ensuring the availability of financing, facilitating efficient government protocols, and providing a supportive regulatory framework.