These are one of our main lines of policy-oriented research. They focus on topics that are central to economic and social development policies in the region. Typically, they are relevant to different sectors and countries. Research teams for these studies generally involve experts from outside the Office of the Chief Economist, including top internationally renowned researchers from universities and think tanks in the region.
- Data for Better Governance: Building Government Analytics Ecosystems in Latin America and the Caribbean
(Juan Francisco Santini, Flavia Sacco Capurro, Daniel Rogger, Timothy Lundy, Galileu Kim, Jorge de León Miranda, Serena Cocciolo, and Chiara Casanova) - Public Spending Policies in Latin America and the Caribbean: When Cyclicality Meets Rigidities
(Daniel Riera-Crichton and Guillermo Vuletin)
- Deep Trade Agreements: Anchoring Global Value Chains in Latin America and the Caribbean
(Nadia Rocha and Michele Ruta)
- The Fast Track to New Skills: Short-Cycle Higher Education Programs in Latin America and the Caribbean
(María Marta Ferreyra, Lelys Dinarte, Sergio Urzúa and, Marina Bassi) - Managing for Learning: Measuring and Strengthening Education Management in Latin America and the Caribbean
(Melissa Adelman and Renata Lemos)
- Fiscal Rules and Economic Size in Latin America and the Caribbean
(Fernando Blanco, Pablo Saavedra, Friederike Koehler-Geib, and Emilia Skrok)
- Budget Rigidity in Latin America and the Caribbean : Causes, Consequences, and Policy Implications
(Arturo Herrera and Eduardo Olaberria)
- Wage Inequality in Latin America: Understanding the Past to Prepare for the Future
(Joana Silva and Julian Messina) - Open and Nimble : Finding Stable Growth in Small Economies
(Daniel Lederman, Justin T. Lesniak)
- Energy Pricing Policies for Inclusive Growth in Latin America and the Caribbean
(Guillermo Beylis and Barbara Cunha) - Shaking Up Economic Progress
(Javier E. Baez, Alan Fuchs, and Carlos Rodriguez-Castelan) - At a Crossroads : Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean
(Maria Marta Ferreyra, Ciro Avitabile, Javier Botero Álvarez, Francisco Haimovich Paz, and Sergio Urzúa)
- Out of School and Out of Work (NiNis)
(Rafael de Hoyos, Halsey Rogers, and Miguel Székely) - Stop the Violence in Latin America: A Look at Prevention from Cradle to Adulthood
(Laura Chioda)
- Towards Universal Health Coverage and Equity in Latin America and the Caribbean: Evidence from Selected Countries
(Tania Dmytraczenko and Gisele Almeida) - Left Behind: Chronic Poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean
(Jamele Rigolini and Renos Vakis)
- Beyond Commodities: The Growth Challenge of Latin America and the Caribbean
(J.T. Araujo, M. Brueckner, M. Clavijo, E. Vostroknutova, and K. Wacker) - Great Teachers: How to Raise Student Learning in Latin America and the Caribbean
(Barbara Bruns and Javier Luque) - Reserve Requirements in the Brave New Macroprudential World
(Tito Cordella, Pablo Federico, Carlos Vegh, and Guillermo Vuletin) - Understanding the Poverty Impact of the Global Financial Crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean
(Maurizio Bussolo, Samuel Freije and Margaret Grosh) - Teenage Pregnancy and Opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean: On Teenage Fertility Decisions, Poverty and Economic Achievement
(Luis Felipe Lopez Calva and João Pedro Acevedo) - Agricultural Exports from Latin America and the Caribbean: Harnessing Trade to Feed the World and Promote Development
(Nabil Chaherli and John Nash)
- The Fall of Wage Flexibility: Labor Markets and Business Cycles in Latin America and the Caribbean since the 1990s
(Daniel Lederman, William Maloney and Julián Messina)