Since 1990, 27 countries across the globe have reached high-income status; of these, 10 are in the Europe and Central Asia region and have joined the European Union. Another 20 countries across Europe and Central Asia have become more prosperous since the 1990s. However, these middle-income countries (MICs) have found that their prospects for growing to high income have become troubled. This partly reflects the slowing pace of progress on structural reforms at home and a deteriorating global environment.
Climbing to high-income status in today’s environment will be harder still—because of high debt and aging populations in developing countries and growing protectionism in advanced economies. Greater Heights: Growing to High Income in Europe and Central Asia—a companion to the World Development Report 2024—outlines how MICs across Europe and Central Asia can reach high-income status by adopting a 3i strategy of investment, infusion, and innovation.