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Procurement for Projects and Programs at the World Bank


The World Bank’s Procurement Framework has been in operation since July 2016. The Framework’s vision is that procurement in IPF operations supports Borrowers to achieve value for money with integrity in delivering sustainable development.

It promotes tailored procurement approaches that emphasize choice, quality, and value for public spending, while enabling adaptation to country contexts. It allows projects to respond quickly to emerging needs and helps client countries determine the best value for money to ensure quality outcomes and sustainability over the life of a project. By focusing on market research, needs analysis, and project-specific risks, including environmental and social issues, we support countries to develop procurement strategies and plans that meet their needs and ensure successful implementation.

For more detailed information on the Procurement Framework and supporting documents go to Procurement Framework for IPF Projects - For Projects after July 1, 2016

Key Framework Documents

Within the Framework are four mandatory documents:​

  • Procurement Regulations for Investment Project Financing (IPF) Borrowers
    February 2025: English, French, Spanish



Procurement Principles

The Regulations are guided by seven core procurement principles: value for money, economy, integrity, fit for purpose, efficiency, transparency, and fairness. In supporting the core procurement principles, the Regulations provide many choices for Borrowers to design the right approach to market, while also specifying the procurement process rules in a manner which is easier for all to understand.

The Framework approach includes four key points to help country clients and businesses:

  • Needs and risks of a project are analyzed through a Project Procurement Strategy for Development (PPSD). This analysis enables the borrower to have a strategy on how best to engage with bidders. The analysis ensures that procurement processes are fit for purpose, allow choice, and are appropriate to the size, value, and risk of the project.

  • Value for Money is a core procurement principle in all procurements financed by the World Bank. This means the focus is on bids that provide the best overall value for money, taking into account quality, cost, and other factors as needed, rather than a focus on the lowest evaluated compliant bid.

  • The approach to resolving procurement-related complaints has the capacity to promptly respond to any concerns during the procurement process. There is a standstill period -a pause between identifying who should win the contract and actually awarding them the contract- so that other bidders can voice any concerns before a contract is actually legally formed and awarded.

  • The World Bank is more involved in contract management of procurements with high value and high risk to ensure the best possible outcomes and that problems are resolved quickly. 

Key Procurement Staff

Project Procurement Before July 2016

The Procurement Framework applies to all projects with a concept note on or after July 1, 2016. This does not yet apply to the World Bank’s entire active portfolio. Projects initiated prior to that date are governed by the Guidelines for Procurement and Guidelines for the Selection of Consultants.

For more detailed information on these Guidelines and supporting documents go to Project Procurement – Policies, Guidelines, Documents for Projects Before July 2016 - For Projects after July 2016





Related Links

E-Learning Training            Procurement Plans
Browse Contract Awards and Notices by Country (click on a country) View data in WBG Finances One:
Contract Awards in Investment Project Financing
Procurement Notices
Corporate Procurement Contract Awards
Country Procurement Assessment Reports Debarred Firms and Individuals
Monthly Operational Summaries (MOS) Find procurement announcements at
Rated Criteria: Promoting Value in World Bank Procurement  
