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Zero Routine Flaring by 2030 (ZRF) Initiative

About the "Zero Routine Flaring by 2030" Initiative

Launched in 2015, the ZRF Initiative commits governments and oil companies, to end routine flaring no later than 2030.

Gas flaring is the 160-year-old industry practice of wastefully burning, rather than using or conserving, associated gas, a by-product of oil production.

The flaring of gas contributes to climate change and impacts the environment through the emission of CO2, black carbon and other pollutants. It also wastes a valuable energy resource that could be used to advance the sustainable development of producing countries.

Woman stands near gas flare in Nigeria
Image: Ed Kashi/World Bank

The Initiative is designed to facilitate cooperation between all stakeholders so that solutions to ending routine gas flaring can be identified and implemented.

Endorsing governments and oil companies commit to monitoring and annually reporting their flaring and progress towards the Initiative. While the Initiative is voluntary, commitments are monitored through a variety of means, including government and company reports and satellite observations.

ZRF endorsers account for approximately 60 percent of total global gas flaring. However, between now and 2030, we must ensure continued global momentum and additional commitments from governments and industry to end this wasteful and polluting industry practice of routinely flaring associated gas. 

"We encourage all World Petroleum Council (WPC) members, particularly from government, national and international oil companies, to endorse this Initiative because it is well-crafted and a highly visible way to demonstrate our industry’s commitment to strong environmental stewardship and effective resource management"
Dr. József Tóth
World Petroleum Council President

The benefits of endorsing the "Zero Routine Flaring by 2030" Initiative

For endorsing governments | For endorsing oil companies

By declaring support and officially endorsing the ZRF Initiative, governments, companies, and development institutions are sending a message that eliminating the routine flaring of gas is a significant and necessary step toward ensuring valuable natural resources are used for economic development and not wasted, and at the same time helping mitigate climate change.

Governments, companies and development institutions must support each other in this effort through a spirit of collaboration and partnership. Endorsers will join a growing global coalition demonstrating strong effective natural resource management and environmental leadership.

Benefits and commitments for endorsing governments


  • Better resource management and enhanced economic development. Implementing the Initiative increases and sustains effective monetization of hydrocarbon resources.
  • Environmentally-friendly oil production. An endorsement sustains and underpins an exemplary practice already in place in your country, or sets in motion a process to ensure cleaner operations, reducing your country’s carbon footprint.
  • Global recognition. Your government’s endorsement communicates to the world that despite an industry downturn, your country is a responsible oil producer with strong environmental stewardship.
  • Regional impact. Your government’s endorsement demonstrates regional leadership and sets an example for others to follow, thereby impacting flaring practices in other countries.
  • Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) implementation. An endorsement of the Initiative supports the implementation of your government’s NDC to the Paris Climate Agreement.
  • Attract experienced oil industry investors. The many international oil companies that already have a no-flaring policy for new oil field developments consider the Initiative a positive contribution because it will level the playing field – other companies would adopt the same good practice and governments would require it. The Initiative reduces regulatory uncertainty and risk.
  • Foster innovation. Abiding by the flaring Initiative could foster innovation in gas monetization.
  • Network advantages. An endorsement connects your government to a network of leading oil-producing countries and companies that sets a de facto new global industry standard for gas flaring. This will provide governments valuable opportunities to exchange knowledge and experience, and to interact with the world’s leading multilateral financial institutions. 
  • Your legacy. The Initiative provides your government an opportunity to establish a positive environmental legacy; one that will be carried on well into the future.


  • What you endorse is laid out in the text of the Initiative, and relates to (a) an operating environment conducive to flaring reduction; (b) avoiding routine flaring in new oil field developments; and (c) ending routine flaring at existing oil production site by 2030.
  • Reporting. Based on the Initiative’s text on reporting, the World Bank will request and then publish as received (1) overall annual gas flaring from oil production in your country; and (2) the share of flaring that is routine flaring. The World Bank will not request data for individual flares and only has a reporting role, not an auditing role.  The Bank may re-report the government’s own public reporting on progress towards flaring reduction goals.
  • Not legally binding, but… The Initiative is not a legally binding document. An endorsement does, however, establish a public commitment.


Benefits and commitments for endorsing oil companies


  • Better resource management. Implementing the Initiative increases and sustains effective monetization of hydrocarbon resources.
  • Environment-friendly oil production. An endorsement sustains and underpins an exemplary practice already in place in your company, or sets in motion a process to ensure cleaner operations, reducing your company’s carbon footprint.
  • Global recognition. An endorsement communicates to the world that despite an industry downturn, your company is a responsible oil producer with strong environmental stewardship.
  • Regional impact. Your company’s endorsement demonstrates leadership and sets an example for others to follow, thereby impacting flaring practices at other oil companies.
  • Leveling the playing field. If you are among the many oil companies that already have a no-flaring policy for new oil field developments,  the flaring Initiative helps level the playing field – other companies would adopt the same good practice, and endorsing governments would require it. The Initiative may also reduce regulatory uncertainty and flaring-related risk.
  • Foster innovation. Abiding by the flaring Initiative could foster innovation in gas monetization.
  • Network advantages. An endorsement connects your company to a network of leading oil-producing countries and companies that sets a de facto new global industry standard for gas flaring. This will provide companies valuable opportunities to exchange knowledge and experience, and to interact with the world’s leading multilateral financial institutions.
  • Your legacy. The Initiative provides company management an opportunity to establish a positive environmental legacy for all employees; one that will be carried on well into the future.


  • What you endorse is laid out in the text of the Initiative, and relates to (a) avoiding routine flaring in new oil field developments; and (b) ending routine flaring at existing oil production by 2030.
  • Reporting. Based on the ZRF Initiative’s text on reporting, the World Bank will request and then publish as received (1) overall annual gas flaring from oil production in your country; and (2) the share of flaring that is routine flaring. The World Bank will not request data for individual flares from ZRF Initiative endorsers, which can already be accessed on GFMR’s global flaring dashboard. GFMR and the World Bank have a ZRF reporting role; not an auditing role. The Bank may re-report the government’s own public reporting on progress towards flaring reduction goals.
  • Not legally binding, but… The Initiative is not a legally binding document. An endorsement does, however, establish a public commitment.


Contact us

Governments and oil companies interested in making the commitment and endorsing the Initiative or learning more about it, please email us with your name and contact information.


Global Flaring and Methane Reduction Partnership (GFMR)
The ZRF is a World Bank initiative managed by the GFMR trust fund.
Find Out About GFMR Arrow

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External Affairs
Adam Pollard