The World Bank, in close collaboration with various partners, conductes in-depth analyses of the impact of Venezuelan migration in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, having already invested over US$ 3 million in strong analytic and advisory work with host governments over the last two years.
Click on the titles to download the reports:

Report: Challenges and Opportunities of the Venezuelan Migration in Ecuador (Spanish)
June 2020
This publication proposes public policy recommendations to improve the integration of Venezuelans in their host communities.
Report: An opportunity for all: Venezuelan Migration (Spanish)
November 2019
The report main objective is to determine the implications that the Venezuelan exodus is having in Peru, to inform the public policy agenda with a development vision.
Brochure: Beyond Borders: A Look at the Venezuelan Exodus
April 2019
Report: Migration from Venezuela to Colombia: Impact and Response Strategy in the Short and Medium Term (Spanish)
November 2018
The report determines the impacts of the Venezuelan migration in Colombia, particularly in the main receiving municipalities.