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Download Our Latest Annual Report (PDF)

The Challenge We Face

Global poverty reduction has slowed to a near standstill, with 2020-2030 set to be a lost decade. Progress has stalled amid multiple crises and shocks, impacting low-income countries the hardest and preventing the poorest people from catching up. Advancing on the World Bank’s mission to end extreme poverty and boost shared prosperity on a livable planet requires urgent, coordinated and evidence-based global action.

The Umbrella Facility for Poverty & Equity (UFPE) is a global trust fund that enables policymakers and practitioners to design, implement, and monitor projects, programs, and policies to end poverty and boost shared prosperity on a livable planet.

Our Objective

The Umbrella Facility for Poverty & Equity (UFPE) is a global trust fund that enables policymakers and practitioners to design, implement, and monitor projects, programs, and policies to end poverty and boost shared prosperity on a livable planet.

How We Work

With a cross-cutting poverty and equity agenda, the Umbrella Facility for Poverty Equity aims to:


Strengthen coordination

Strengthen strategic coordination and global partnerships on poverty and equity.


Bring poverty and equity to the forefront

Bring poverty and equity considerations to the forefront of the World Bank Group’s country engagements.


Leverage resources

Leverage the World Bank Group and government resources to amplify impact through systematic application of poverty and equity lens to policies and programs.


Promote innovation

Promote innovation to address new poverty and equity challenges and support scale-up of proven solutions.


Convene local experts

Create policy-relevant global public goods and facilitate “localization” of global expertise for improved country outcomes.


Facilitate knowledge sharing

Facilitate knowledge sharing and learning at country, regional and global levels.

Our Work So Far

Since 2021, the UFPE has committed more than $19 million to improve the lives and livelihoods of poor and marginalized people and safeguard the planet. To date, we have worked in 26 countries across a wide range of important development topics such as fiscal policy, gender equity, social protection, jobs, climate change and adaptation, and more.

Through these efforts, the UFPE has strengthened the poverty and equity lens of 60 World Bank development policy and investment operations and 20 policy dialogues. The UFPE also supports the production of global public goods that advance development knowledge and support country programs.

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