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TFSP News and Views

The Trade Facilitation Support Program (TFSP) was launched in June 2014 to help countries improve their cross-border trade environments and align their trade practices with the World Trade Organization Trade Facilitation Agreement (WTO TFA).


July 19, 2024: How a new trade information portal is empowering Timor-Leste’s entrepreneurs

June 28, 2024: Developing countries need more support to navigate growing turbulence in global trade

October 30, 2023: How a digital platform for ports speeds delivery of goods to your local shopping mall

October 25, 2023: Fiji is digitalizing trade processes, helping firms expand in new markets and hire more workers

July 5, 2023: Toppling the barriers to Indian women’s participation in trade

June 30, 2023: Timor-Leste moves toward WTO membership with new biosecurity legislation

June 7, 2023: Tajikistan: Empowering women in cross-border trade

May 3, 2023: Timor-Leste sets its sights on regional and global trade integration

May 10, 2023: Digital certification makes cocoa traders in Côte d'Ivoire more competitive

April 28, 2023: Helping Lao businesses trade — the Authorized Economic Operator Program

August 6, 2022: Public-private collaboration facilitates the import of vaccines in Tonga

June 22, 2022: Lao PDR Trade Portal: Ten years old and growing strong

June 1, 2022: Time release studies: Making trade faster and more predictable in Europe and Central Asia

May 3, 2022: Helping women entrepreneurs break into global markets by overcoming challenges at the border

November 2, 2021: Trade facilitation: Critical to COVID-19 recovery

November 8, 2021: Managing organizational performance in Customs during a crisis period

November 4, 2019: Ending the invisibility of women traders

August 21, 2019: ePhyto: Promoting safe and efficient trade

June 18, 2019: Tracking the performance of trade facilitation reforms: What difference does a day make?

June 3, 2019: What’s it like for women to trade across borders?

January 30, 2019: Leave your hammocks at home: How a customs union between Guatemala and Honduras cut trade times from 10 hours to 15 minutes

July 24, 2018: Bringing Sri Lanka's traders one step closer to the global market

June 5, 2018: Can Blockchain Revolutionize Trade?

April 2, 2018: Customs Union between Guatemala and Honduras, from 10 hours to 15 minutes!

July 12, 2017: Lowering Trade Costs through Transparency: the Importance of Trade Information Portals

July 13, 2017: WTO TFA implementation: Learning from early results

July 10, 2017: Five actions that matter to the future of Aid for Trade

October 5, 2017: Coordination, Collaboration and Connectivity for Better Border Management

October 9, 2017: Trade facilitation reform in Sri Lanka can drive a change in culture

February 22, 2017: Now that the Trade Facilitation Agreement has entered into force...

June 24, 2015: Supporting the implementation of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement


Feature Stories

November 19, 2024: Zambia: Cultivating change through trade facilitation

November 7, 2024: Tonga trade — Building back stronger from emergencies and preparing for the future

April 28, 2023: Helping Lao businesses trade — the Authorized Economic Operator Program

April 1, 2023: Bananas and Blight – An Illustration In The Complexity of Global Trade

March 8, 2023: Transforming Economic Opportunities for Women Through Trade

January 30, 2023: How Innovation is Revolutionizing Global Trade

September 21, 2022: Supporting Safe Trade to Improve Nepal's Export Position

June 22, 2022: New Clearance Procedures Save Time at North Macedonia Border

August 5, 2021: Digital Trade Can Help North Macedonia Build Back Better Post-COVID-19

July 9, 2021: Montenegro Cuts Import Clearance Time: 8 Hours to 30 Minutes

February 25, 2021: Trade Facilitation Challenges for Women Traders in the Pacific Islands and Timor-Leste

August 28, 2020: Keeping Business Flowing in Serbia Amid COVID-19

April 23, 2020: In Ethiopia, Electronic Single Window Cuts Costs and Time to Trade

November 1, 2019: Simplifying Trade Energizes Businesses in Kosovo

July 18, 2019: Sierra Leone: Trade facilitation improvements are starting to bear fruit

May 16, 2019: Jamaica: Pioneering trade facilitation improvements in the Caribbean

March 28, 2019: Getting the balance right: Minimizing food safety risks and facilitating trade in North Macedonia

June 11, 2018: A New Way of Managing Risk for Customs in Montenegro: 80% Reduction in the Inspection of Excise Goods


June 28, 2024: Pacific Regional Trade Facilitation Strategy and Roadmap

March 4, 2024: Unlocking Trade for Women: Trade Facilitation and Gender Surveys

December 11, 2023: Guideline on risk management systems for food safety organizations

November 1, 2023: Port Community Systems: Lessons From Global Experience

March 8, 2022: Brazil: Understanding trade facilitation barriers for women

February 25, 2021: Trade Facilitation Challenges for Women Traders in the Pacific Islands and Timor-Leste
Regional | Fiji | Papua New Guinea | Samoa | Timor-Leste | Vanuatu

November 10, 2020: Risk Prioritization in Phytosanitary Management: A Step-by-Step Guide

January 15, 2020: Fiji: Trade Facilitation Challenges for Women Traders and Freight Forwarders

July 2019: Aid for Trade at a Glance 2019 — The Critical Role of Trade Facilitation in Supporting Economic Diversification and Structural Reforms (World Bank Group: Chapter 6)

April 24, 2019: Reducing Bottlenecks and Facilitating Trade in Zambia


11 October 2024: 

From Catch to Commerce: Growing the Economy in Tonga Through Trade Facilitation

Trade as a Lifeline: Lessons from Tonga During Times of Crisis

Tonga: Building Emergency Response and Preparedness

Tonga: Building Climate Resilience through Trade Facilitation Improvements | Virtual Reality 360° Video

August 14, 2024:

Trade Is Transforming Agriculture and Lives in Zambia

Electronic Phytosanitary Certificates For Safe and Efficient Trade in Zambia

Zambia: Diversifying the Economy Through Trade Facilitation Reform | Virtual Reality 360° Video

August 14, 2024: TFSP: Streamlining Trade, Boosting Access to Markets

April 11, 2024: Empowering Trade, Empowering Timor-Leste

October 19, 2023: How is Fiji getting one step closer to automated trade?

October 31, 2022: Single Window: A Path to Paperless Trade

February 25, 2021: Unlocking Trade for Women in the Pacific

June 22, 2020: Managing Risk and Facilitating Trade During the COVID-19

June 27, 2019: 360 Video: Making trade faster, cheaper and easier in Sierra Leone

February 6, 2019: 360 Video: Trading Across Borders in Guatemala and Honduras

November 9, 2017: The Trade Facilitation Support Program: Hear from our partners

July 17, 2017: The Trade Facilitation Agreement: Increasing Trade, Boosting Investment

July 17, 2017: Driving Jobs & Global Income Through Trade Facilitation

November 17, 2016: Facilitating Trade Across Borders


Trade Tips Podcast

June 1, 2023: What Caribbean Rum Cake Teaches us About Trade

May 1, 2023: A (Digital) Window to the World of Trade

April 1, 2023: Bananas & Blight

March 1, 2022: Invisible Women

February 15, 2022: The Climate Conundrum

January 30, 2022: Around the World of Trade

January 15, 2022: Trade Tips Podcast: What You Can Expect