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SIEF Media Coverage


  • Media coverage of impact evaluations, the evidence generated and the relevance for successful development is an important route for helping promote programs and policies that made a difference.

Arranged alphabetically by country


BANGLADESH: Coverage of the 2014 Impact Evaluation Workshop

BANGLADESH: Early Childhood Stimulation and Its Impacts

BANGLADESH: Impact of Low-Cost In-Line Chlorination Systems in Urban Dhaka on Water Quality and Child Health

BRAZIL: Using Teacher Feedback Program to Improve Learning: A SIEF-supported Impact Evaluation in Brazil

BULGARIA: Bulgarian media covers the Roma preschool program impact evaluation

COLOMBIA: The Medium Term Effects of a Home-based Early Childhood Development Intervention in Colombia

COTE D'IVOIRE: Workshop TV Coverage

GUATEMALA: SIEF impact evaluation workshop in Guatemala (April 4-6, 2017)

INDIA: Coverage of Poor Sanitation and Child Malnutrition

JAMAICA: 30 Years Later, Does an Early Childhood Program Still Have Impact?

JAMAICA: Evaluation Builds Evidence of the Importance of Early Childhood Interventions

KENYA: Evaluation of Bridge Schools

LIBERIA: Using Employment to Deter Crime 

MALI: Impact and Cost Effectiveness of an Integrated Parenting, Nutrition and Malaria Prevention Package in Mali

MEXICO: Evaluating the Impact on Low-income Children and Families’ Access to a Private Comprehensive Schooling Model: Experimental Evidence from Mexico

PAKISTAN: Investing in the Education Market: Strengthening Private Schools for the Rural Poor

PHILIPPINES: Coverage of conditional cash transfer (CCT) program “Pantawid Pamilya”

SENEGAL: Coverage of the 2013 Impact Evaluation Workshop

UGANDA: Coverage of the Youth Opportunities Program (2008 - 2012)


Coverage of Early Childhood Intervention Program

