"I encourage prospective women [applicants] from all around the world especially developing countries to never give up your dreams and goals of higher studies you want to achieve."
—Dr. Shaheen Ashraf Shah
JJWBGSP Candidate
I strongly encourage women to apply for this scholarship to create a lasting impact on future generations.
The most rewarding part of my JJ/WBGSP-funded studies has been to tap into the global crystal of pragmatic skills and to meet with minds from across the world all solving the same problem with a strong drip of culture.
As an alumnus, one piece of advice I would give to anyone pursuing the JJWBGSP scholarship is that one should start the application process as soon as possible when the application window opens.
In Myanmar, the current health care system causes many chronic illnesses to go untreated, but advocates like Sai are developing treatments to provide future generations with healthier futures.
Fascinated with the opportunity to study public policy to meet the unique needs of Saint Lucia, Augustus’s U.S experience afforded him the rare opportunity to ascend his professional career and contribute to his country’s social reform.
For Roberto, leaving Brazil to study abroad afforded him a new and dynamic understanding of the legal system through a global lens.
Cybele’s commitment to complete her study abroad courses to benefit existing and future leaders of Mexico outweighed the many challenges she faced moving to the U.S.
In addition to acquiring new knowledge and skills, immersing myself in a different culture and interacting with people from various backgrounds with disparate views was immensely rewarding. It enabled me to reflect on my own culture and values while also fostering strong personal and professional relationships.
In Jordan, climate change scenarios could result in reduced agricultural productivity and water availability placing more pressure on its natural resources. Iqbal's research in urban development will help shape the lives of future generations.
In Pakistan, Ali’s work in technology transfer agreements help to positively contribute to the country’s GDP. Developmental projects like these provide social and economic optimism.
Growing up in El Salvador during a civil war framed the reality of Carmen's world. These tensions led her to study development economics, a journey in which she embraces responsibility and leadership in an effort to promote prosperity and peace for her community.
In Brazil, the quality of life for many is crippled by poor, public transportation systems. As an architect and urban planner, Marcio integrates creative solutions with practical design processes to help solve mobility issues and enhance the country’s development.
In Indonesia, Niswatil felt privileged to receive a fully funded college education which led her to pursue her graduate degree abroad in an effort to educate and reform economic development at home.
In Japan, investing in human capital and development has helped strengthen the lives of women like Mari who continue to pay it forward by working with NGOs to make lasting impacts.
The Scholarship Program enhanced and maximized my learning experience at school, allowing me to commit my entire energy to build my foundation in econometric analysis and statistical programming at the professional level.
Pragmatically solving global complex environmental problems must be challenging, but pursuit of systemic impact in such fields must be very rewarding too if I manage to orchestrate the effort of diverse experts and multi-faceted stakeholders.
Dr. Shah's unwavering commitment to water reform programs and gender equality in Pakistan has introduced the need for more inclusive conversations with often forgotten marginalized groups such as the rural poor and women.
As a chief economist in Zimbabwe, Melania works with policy makers to reduce vast economic disparities and influences critical conversations that will lead to their country’s transformation.
In Madagascar, Veronica was living in an impoverished region with her husband and children frustrated by the existing social and financial conditions. As these issues continued to manifest, she decided to invest in the development of sustainable and economic opportunities for her country with the invaluable support of her family.
My advice to potential applicants is that they should trust themselves and highlight their achievements for the development of their country.
Studies of international aspects of public policies provide an opportunity to get insights and best examples of other emerging and developing countries, as well as their policy reforms, success stories and failures.
—Dr. Shaheen Ashraf Shah
JJWBGSP Candidate
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