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The Advance UHC Multi-Donor Trust Fund

Country Activities

June 2021: Implementation support missions for the Health Governance and Nutrition Development Project (HGNDP) and the Health and Nutrition Services Access Project (HANSA) were completed in June. The two projects aim to improve reproductive, maternal, child health, and nutrition services in selected areas of Lao PDR. Implementation completion missions will be held next. For HGNDP, this is scheduled from October 26 to November 6, while that for HANSA is tentatively planned for late November or early December.


July 2021: Additional financing to the Lao PDR COVID-19 Response Project received approval from the World Bank’s Board of Directors in June and became effective on July 22. The additional financing will add US$15 million to the original US$18 million response project. The new fund includes a US$ 5 million grant—US$ 2 million for public health emergencies (resilience of the health system and lifeline infrastructure), and US$ 3 million to support the COVID-19 vaccination deployment in the country. The project helps to build Lao PDR’s readiness and response capacity for COVID-19 through delivering emergency medical equipment and supplies, and enhancing technical capacity of health professionals at the frontline. It also built treatment/isolation facilities, ICUs and laboratories in the three provinces of Attapeu, Champasak, and Sekong.


The Advance UHC MDTF

The Advance UHC Multi-Donor Trust Fund supports policy-relevant analytical work, provides resources for targeted in-country technical assistance, and funds global/regional knowledge sharing activities, to support countries' advance toward UHC.