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National Socioeconomic Surveys in Forestry


Forests and trees contribute to human welfare in various ways. However, quantifying these benefits at national level in order to generate reliable forest-related socioeconomic statistics remains a challenge. Consistent methodologies are needed to enable time-series analysis, providing for better understanding of how forests and trees contribute to sustainable development and informed policy-making. The sourcebook "National socioeconomic surveys in forestry: Guidance and survey modules for measuring the multiple roles of forests in household welfare and livelihoods" discusses the opportunities and challenges to strengthen the collection, reporting and use of forest socioeconomic data in the context of LSMS-type surveys, contributing to better global statistics on values, products and services from forests and trees.

Questionnaire modules are also publicly available on the World Bank’s Survey Solutions CAPI platform. Download the manual for the Survey Solutions modules here.


  • Riyong Kim Bakkegaard
  • Arun Agrawal
  • Illias Animon
  • Nicholas Hogarth
  • Daniel Miller
  • Lauren Persha
  • Ewald Rametsteiner
  • Sven Wunder
  • Alberto Zezza

Issued on

Oct, 2016