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Japan Trust Fund for Scaling Up Nutrition

About the Program

The Japan Trust Fund for Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Investments is a three-phased program to scale up nutrition investments and provide the framework for a sustained partnership between the Government of Japan and the World Bank to address malnutrition. 

Launched in 2009, Phase I (Initiation), supported by a US$ 2 million financial commitment from the Government of Japan, financed catalytic country-level activities to lay the foundation for the development of new country nutrition plans, lending projects and IDA investments in select countries, as well as to stimulate the set-up of the SUN movement.

The Trust Fund, currently in Phase II (Consolidation), with a financial commitment of US$20 million from the Government of Japan over a four-year period aims to:

  1. consolidate and expand the catalytic activities begun under Phase I to support the scale-up of nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions in high-burden undernutrition countries;
  2. to generate operational knowledge about how to effectively implement nutrition-sensitive interventions in non-nutrition sectors (a multi-sectoral approach to nutrition) such as agriculture, social protection, water and sanitation, and education; and
  3. to support the work of the SUN movement through a specific focus on the SUN countries, including the continued provision of support for the SUN leadership and governance structure and dissemination of lessons learned for effective multi-sectoral approaches to nutrition.

Both phases II and III (Institutionalization) will support countries with costed scale-up and implementation plans as well as other relevant analytics that support and improve the quality of IDA investments. The Japan Trust Fund will also strengthen in-country capacity to implement nutrition programs, knowledge sharing and developing information systems to monitor and evaluate the impact of nutrition investments.


For more information, please contact:

Meera Shekar, Lead Health Specialist/Japan TF Program Manager

Aissatou Chipkaou, Operations Analyst


Last Updated: May 15, 2018


Armenia | Armenia Social worker as entry point to promote investments in the yearly years [TF0A6080]


Data Collection_Final  Report

Early Childhood Development Services in Armenia


Social Workers Short

Video for Training Social Workers

Video Targetted to Caregivers

ECD Diagnosis
PPT ECD service data collection

ECD service data collection tool


Benin Preparing for the next phase of SUN in Benin [TF0A2928]

Stratégie nationale de communication pour le changement social et comportemental pour la promotion de la nutrition au Bénin et son plan opérationnel 2017-2021

Rapport Final sur la Chaîne de Valeur du Maïs

Intégration du genre dans les programmes d’interventions nutritionnelles et de santé au Bénin

Rôles et normes de genre dans la production, la consommation et la santé au Bénin


Benin Benin Early Years Nutrition and Child Development [TF0A7722]

Mobilisation communautaire bénévole dans la nutrition au Malawi : Leçons pour un modèle adapté pour la mise en oeuvre des Interventions de Nutrition au Bénin

Burundi | Project preparatory work for nutrition related operations in Burundi [TF0A5941]

Report: Review of evidence on stunting and fertility for Burundi’s context 

Presentation: Defis, opportunites et proposition de concept pour le Projet d’Investissement dans les premiers annees de vie (NKURIZA)


Central America | Central America overweight and obesity prevention [TF0A4082]


Sugar-sweetened Beverages and Pre-packaged Foods: the Impact of Taxation on Price, Consumption, and Revenues and its Contribution to Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Central America, Panama, and the Dominican Republic

El impacto del precio en el consumo de bebidas azucaradas en Honduras

Impacto del comercio de productos de bajo valor nutricional en Guatemala

Impacto del comercio de productos de bajo valor nutricional en Costa Rica

Impacto del comercio de productos de bajo valor nutricional en Nicaragua

Impacto del comercio de productos de bajo valor nutricional en Honduras

El impacto del precio en el consumo de bebidas azucaradas en Costa Rica

Estrategias para limitar la comercialización, promoción, publicidad y patrocinios dirigidos a niños y adolescentes de productos pre-envasados: El caso de Centro América y República Dominicana

El impacto del precio en el consumo de bebidas azucaradas en El Salvador

El impacto del precio en el consumo de bebidas azucaradas en Nicaragua

Impacto del comercio de productos de bajo valor nutricional en El Salvador

Estrategias para limitar el mercadeo, promoción, publicidad y patrocinios dirigidos a niños y adolescentes de alimentos y bebidas pre-envasados: El caso de Centro América y República Dominicana

El impacto del precio en el consumo de bebidas azucaradas en la República Dominicana

El impacto del precio en el consumo de bebidas azucaradas en Panamá

Impacto del comercio de productos de bajo valor nutricional en República Dominicana

Impacto del comercio de productos de bajo valor nutricional en Panamá


Chile | Ten years of implementation of the ECD system Chile Crece Contigo evolution, lessons learned and challenges faced [TF0A5961]

Report: 10 Years of Chile Grows With You (Chile Crece Contigo) : Key Components and Lessons Learned for the Setting Up of Comprehensive Child Development Support Systems

Presentation: Chile’s 10-year experience with a comprehensive early child development system


Côte d'Ivoire | Cote d'Ivoire Multisectoral Child Nutrition and Development Project Preparation [TF0A5947] 

Report: Developpement de L’approche Genre du Projet Multisectoriel de Nutrition et de Developpement de La Petite Enfance 

Cartographie des Intervenants et des Interventions en Nutrition

Analyse institutionnelle et organisationnelle des Sous-Préfectures et Collectivités Locales des Régions du Poro et de la Bagoué dans le cadre l’opérationnalisation de la stratégie de convergence (3-16 mai 2017)

Rapport Mission Analyse situationnelle Mobilisation Communautaire


Egypt | Finalizing Egypt's Nutrition Investment Case [TF0A9220]

Scaling Up Nutrition in the Arab Republic of Egypt


Guinea Bissau | Cash Transfers and Nutrition for Early Childhood Development [TF0B1695]

Baseline Economic and Health Status of the Rural Population in the Gabú region of Guinea-Bissau


INDIA | Enhancing the Quality and Effectiveness of the Bank’s Nutrition TA in India [TF0B0205]


Eat Right India: A Case Study Attempting to Transform India's Food Ecosystem to Advance Public Health and Improve Lives


LAO PDR | An approach to design and evaluation of Baby WASH in Lao PDR  [TF0A9471]


Formative Research on Wash, Child Health and Nutrition

Behavior change interventions on Baby Wash related behaviors

MEDIA AND MESSAGES FOR NUTRITION AND HEALTH: Assessing Media Appropriateness For Nutrition And Health-Related Social And Behavior Change Communication In Four High Stunting-Burden Provinces Of Lao PDR


LAO PDR|Strengthening nutrition interventions in Lao PDR [TF0A6478]



MADAGASCAR |Baseline for Improving Nutrition Outcomes Project [TF0A6210]

Madagascar Enquête par grappes à indicateurs multiples, 2018



NEPAL | Operational Strategy for Addressing Malnutrition in Nepal [TF0A2195]

Main Report: Study of operational strategies to reduce malnutrition in Nepal

Policy Note 1: Institutional structure and non-government partnership for nutrition programs

Policy Note 2: Operational considerations for designing and mobilizing community-based groups for improving food security and nutrition


Nicaragua Capacity Building and cross-learing for Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture [TF0A3724]


La Desnutrición Crónica Y Que Podemos Hacer (SP)

Avances de la Biofortificación en Nicaragua 2005 - 2016 (SP)

La Agricultura Sensible A La Nutrición (SP)

La Desnutrición Crónica Y La Agricultura Sensible A La Nutricion (SP)


Estrategias Multisectoriales para Mejorar la Nutritición - Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural (SP)

Final report - worshop (EN)


Pakistan l  Improving human capital through accelerated nutrition actions in Pakistan [TF0A9358]


Findings of the Service Delivery Readiness Assessment

Optima Nutrition Analysis: Pakistan, February 2019

Human Capital Summit March 2019

Sindh Costing for Optima Nutrition October 2019



Optima Nutrition Presentation February 2019

Optima Nutrition Training July 29-31, 2019, Karachi

Nutrition Success Stories - Lessons for Pakistan


Peru Support to Peru's nutrition strategy to reduce high anemia and stunting in children under 36 months [TF0A4308]

Report: Sistematizacion de la experiencia de monitoreo social,implementado en las regiones : amazonas, cajamarca y huanuco 

Presentation: Technical assistance for supporting the efforts of the Government of Peru to reduce chronic malnutrition and anemia among children


Standing Tall: Peru's Success in Overcoming its Stunting Crisis (EN)

Dando la talla: El éxito del Perú en la lucha contra la desnutrición crónica (SP)


Philippines | Improving Nutrition Service Delivery in the Philippines [TF0A8125)


Mind over Matter in the Philippines: A Study of key Stakeholders' Perceptions of Childhood Stunting

Why Are So Many Children Stunted in the Philippines?


Rwanda | Rwanda Nutrition Situation Analysis and Policy Options (P162400) [TF0A4965]


Rwanda Nutrition Situation Analysis and Policy Implications


Effect of a home-visiting parenting program to promote early childhood development and prevent violence: a cluster-randomized trial in Rwanda


Senegal | Nutrition Investment Case [TF0A1929]/ Senegal | Leveraging and preparing nutrition investments [TF0A5133]


The Case for Investment in Nutrition in Senegal 

Le Bienfonde d'Investir dans la Nutrition au Senegal

Evolution of nutrition policy in Senegal (English)

Evolution de la politique de nutrition au Senegal (French)

A Decade of World Bank upport to Senegal's Nutrition Program

Une decennie de soutien de la Banque mondiale au programme de nutrition du Senegal

État de la Nutrition au Sénégal

Nutrition Situation in Senegal

Political Economy of Nutrition Policy in Senegal

Économie Politique de la Politique de la Nutrition au Sénégal

Nutrition Financing in Senegal

Financement de la Nutrition au Sénégal

Capacities of the Nutrition Sector in Senegal

Étude sur les Capacités dans le Secteur de la Nutrition au Sénégal

Risks for Scaling Up Nutrition in Senegal

Les Risques Associés à la Mise à l’Échelle des Performances Nutritionnelles au Sénégal

A Decade of World Bank Support to Senegal’s Nutrition Program

Une décennie de soutien de la Banque mondiale au programme de nutrition du Sénégal


Seychelles | Improving data management and use for early childhood health, nutrition, and development in Seychelles [TF0A2844]


Child Health & Nutrition Indicators Dictionary: Data Management in Early Childhood Care and Education

Indicator Collection and Calculation Manual: Data Management and Use in Early Childhood Care and Development

Sierra Leone |Optimizing High Impact [TF0A9867]

Prioritizing nutrition specific interventions toward achieving the national strategic objectives for stunting and wasting

Improving the efficiency of nutrition investments for better outcomes in Sierra Leone: results of an allocative efficiency analysis using Optima Nutrition

Southern Africa | Operationalizing a Multi-sectoral Approach to Reduce Stunting [TF0A5948]

Report: Early childhood nutrition in Southern Africa: Investing in Healthy Children for Healthy Countries


Tanzania | Strengthening Health and Nutrition Monitoring in PHCforR (BETF) [TF0A8160]


Compiled Slides - CCHP Dissemination Training


Tanzania | Technical support to Government of Tanzania for scaling-up investments in the early years [TF0A6214]


Supply-Side Barriers to Scaling-Up Nutrition Interventions in Tanzania

Mapping Existing Nutrition and Early Stimulation Programs in Tanzania

Overview of Early Stimulation Interventions and Research in Tanzania


Tajikistan |  Optima Nutrition in Tajikistan [TF0B0161]


Optima Nutrition Brief (RUS)

Optima Nutrition User Guide (RUS)


Tajikistan Preliminary Results for the NNF2019 (RUS)

Tajikistan Preliminary Results for the NNF2019 (ENG)

Tajikistan Generic Optima Nutrition (RUS)

Optima Nutrition Tajikistan Training (RUS)


Tonga | Improving the use of taxation policy on unhealthy food/beverages as a response to the overnutrition and NCD crisis in the Pacific: A country case study in Tonga [TF0A5940]


Using Taxation to Address Noncommunicable Diseases: Lessons from Tonga


Uganda  |  Operational Feasibility Study of MNP through community health workers in Uganda [TF0A9644]

Report: Landscape analysis on Uganda’s readiness to distribute Micronutrient Power ‘Sprinkles’: desk analysis of country readiness

Landscape analysis on Uganda’s readiness to distribute Micronutrient Power ‘Sprinkles’: desk analysis of country readiness

Social and Behaviour Change Communication Strategy to Promote Micronutrient Powders in Uganda

Operational Guide for the Distribution of Micronutrient Powder ‘Sprinkles’ Through Community Health and Nutrition Promoters (CHNPs)

Trainers’ Guide for Training Community Health Promoters on Nutrition and Micronutrient Powder

Feasibility Study of Micronutrient Powder (MNP) ‘Sprinkles’ Distribution through Community Health Promoters in Uganda

A Cost Analysis of Micronutrient Powder distribution by Community Health Workers

Feasibility Study of Micronutrient Powder (MNP) ‘Sprinkles’ Distribution through Community Health Promoters in Uganda: Regional Workshop Debrief

Vietnam| Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Assessment and Plan of Action [TF0A5886]

Report: Persistent Malnutrition in Ethnic Minority Communities of Vietnam


World |  Supporting the Design and Implementation of Sugary Drinks Taxes (TF0B0696)


Taxation of Sugar-sweetened Beverages(SSB): International experiences and evidence


World | Development of Nutrition Smart Agriculture Country Profiles [TF0A9677]

Development of Nutrition Smart Agriculture Country Profiles


World | Japan Sun Trust Fund SDI [TF0B1708]

Measuring Nutrition Service Delivery through Health Facility Surveys


World | Development of Nutrition Smart Agriculture Country Profiles [TF0A9677]

Nutrition Smart Agriculture Country Profiles - Dissemination Event Report

Nutrition Smart Agriculture in Haiti (Vol. 2) : Supplementary Material : Annex (English)

Nutrition Smart Agriculture in Mozambique (English)

Nutrition Smart Agriculture in Mozambique (Portuguese)

Nutrition Smart Agriculture in Mozambique (Vol. 2) : Supplementary Material : Annex (English)

Nutrition Smart Agriculture in Haiti (English)

Nutrition Smart Agriculture in the Democratic Republic of Congo (French)

Nutrition Smart Agriculture in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Vol. 2) : Supplementary Material (English)

Nutrition Smart Agriculture in the Democratic Republic of Congo (English)

Nutrition Smart Agriculture in Guatemala : Main Report (English)

Nutrition Smart Agriculture in Guatemala (Spanish)

Nutrition Smart Agriculture in Guatemala (Vol. 2) : Supplementary Material (English)

Methodology for Developing Nutrition Smart Agriculture (NSmartAg) Country Profiles (English)



TAXES ON SUGARSWEETENED BEVERAGES: International Evidence and Experiences


