Members of ICP Technical Advisory Group
Sir Angus Deaton |
2015 Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics, Senior Scholar and the Dwight D. Eisenhower Professor of Economics and International Affairs Emeritus in the School of Public and International Affairs and the Economics Department at Princeton University, and Presidential Professor of Economics and the University of Southern California. |
W. Erwin Diewert |
Professor Emeritus in the Vancouver School of Economics at the University of British Columbia, and leading expert on index numbers, price measurement and productivity. |
Robert C. Feenstra |
Distinguished Professor in the Department of Economics, holder of the C. Bryan Cameron Distinguished Chair in International Economics, Director of the Center for International Data at the University of California - Davis, and leading expert on trade and PPP time series. |
Nada Hamadeh |
Former Manager for Price, Economics, and Debt Statistics Unit, Development Data Group, World Bank, and former ICP Global Manager, and expert in the ICP, program management, and economic analysis. |
Alan Heston |
Professor Emeritus in the Department of Economics at the University of Pennsylvania, co-founder of the Penn World Table, and leading expert on international comparisons and PPPs. |
Robert Inklaar |
Professor in the Economics of Productivity and Welfare at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands, and Director of the Groningen Growth and Development Centre, and expert in measurement of cross-country income differences and developer of Penn World Table, a global database on income and productivity. |
Paul Konijn |
Head of Unit, Price Statistics, Purchasing Power Parities and Housing Statistics, Eurostat, and expert on national accounts, PPPs, and consumer and real estate price statistics. |
Mary O’Mahony |
Professor of Applied Economics at King's Business School, and a prominent expert on measuring international differences in productivity, technology, growth and performance in public services, including health and education. |
D. S. Prasada Rao (Co-Chair) |
Professor Emeritus in the School of Economics at the University of Queensland, and a prominent expert on econometric and statistical methods, time-series analysis, PPPs and price statistics. |
Paul Schreyer (Co-Chair) |
Director of Research, Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence (ESCoE), King’s College London; Former Chief Statistician of the OECD, a leading expert on the measurement of capital, productivity, non-market activities, and national income accounting, and former rapporteur of the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress. |
Xianchun Xu |
Director of China Data Center and Professor in the School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University, former Deputy Commissioner of the National Bureau of Statistics of China, and a prominent expert on national income accounting. |