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The International Poverty Line

Imputed Household Consumption PPPs for Income Poverty Estimation in MENA countries (September 2016)

The coverage of PPP surveys for the ICP 2011 round conducted in the Middle East and North Africa countries may have been affected by the Arab Spring and related civil unrest in the region. As a result, Household Consumption PPPs from the ICP 2011 round were not used for measuring income poverty for Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, West Bank and Gaza, and Yemen. Alternatively, Household Consumption PPPs have recently been imputed for these countries and used in the 2016 update of global poverty estimates. The method of imputation is described on page 212 of the Final Report of the ICP 2011 Purchasing Power Parities and the Real Size of World Economies.

Updated International Poverty Line released in 2015

The World Bank Group announced its first updated international poverty line using 2011 PPPs in almost a decade in October 2015.

One Generation, Two Goals, 60 Seconds