- Session I: Status of Interim Activities and 2017 Cycle and Risk Assessment
Status of global activities, overall timetable, and risks Presentation
Status of regional activities and risks
ICP Africa Presentation
ICP Asia and the Pacific Presentation
ICP Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) Presentation
ICP Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) Presentation
ICP Western Asia Presentation
Eurostat-OECD PPP Program
- Session II: Data Access, Publication of Results, and Uses
Data needs for quality assurance, publication of ICP results, and data access policy Presentation
Uses of PPPs and ICP Data Presentation
- Session III: Country and Regional Feedback on ICP 2017 Operational Materials
Summary of feedback on ICP 2017 operational materials Presentation
- Session IV: Data for Interim Years
Availability of Global Core average prices for interim years Presentation
Availability of extrapolation data for interim years Presentation
Regional results and extrapolation data for interim years: Availability, comparability, and challenges faced
ICP Africa
ICP Asia and the Pacific Presentation
ICP CIS Presentation
ICP LAC Presentation
ICP Western Asia Presentation
- Session V: E-Learning
PPP E-Learning Course
- Session VI: Data Processing and IT Solutions
Overall ICP tools landscape and data and metadata submission forms Presentation
New IT solutions for item list management and data validation Presentation