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Documents for the 6th ICP 2011 TAG Meeting (October 3-4, 2011)

01. Productivity Adjustment

01.01     Data Requirements of ALL Regions to Improve Global Comparability Across Countries, Alan Heston

02. Aditional Item for Discussion

02.01     Notes on a programme of work on informal construction in Africa, Jim Meikle and Julian May

03. Validation

03.01     Some Simple Methods to Validate Basic Heading PPPs, Fred Vogel

03.02     Cluster Formation, Data Validation and Outlier Detection in the International Comparisons Program: An Application to the Africa Region, Robert J. Hill

04. Extrapolation PPPs between Benchmarks and Estimation of PPPs for non Benchmark Countries           

04.01     Price Levels and Economic Growth: Making Sense of Revisions to Data on Real Incomes, Martin Ravallion

04.02     Understanding changes in PPPs over time: A proposal for the Extrapolation of PPPs for Household Consumption using CPI data, Luigi Biggeri and Tiziana Laureti

04.03     Some background on the moving ICP benchmark results to other years, Alan Heston

05. Final Results and Revisions

5.01       Understanding Changes in Purchasing Power Parities over Time, Fred Vogel

5.02       Incorporating New Partial ICP Benchmarks into the World Development Indicators, Yuri Dikhanov

5.03       Extrapolating PPPs and comparing ICP benchmark results, Paul McCarthy

5.04       Overtime consistency of PPP results Eurostat experience, Paulus Konijn 

5.05       Over time consistency of PPP results in the OECD countries: a numerical example, Francette Koechlin 

06. PPP Computation Task Force Meeting           

6.01       Implementation of the Parallel Computations for Linking the Regions within the 2011 ICP, Sergey Sergeev

Room Documents:         

- An Econometric Approach to the Construction of Complete Panels of Purchasing Power Parities:Analytical Properties and Empirical Results, D.S. Prasada Rao, Alicia N. Rambaldi, Howard E. Doran

- Extrapolation of Purchasing Power Parities using Multiples Benchmarks and auxiliary information: a new approach, D.S. Prasada Rao, Alicia N. Rambaldi, Howard E. Doran              

- Working Group On Extrapolating PPPs Between Benchmarks and Estimation of PPPs for Non Benchmark Countries: Estimation of PPPs for Non-Benchmark Economies for the 2005 ICP Round, Changqing Sun and Eric Swanson    

- Consistency of ICP Benchmarks, Yuri Dikhanov  
