00. Meeting Objectives
00.01 Report from the INAG
01. Construction
01.01 A new approach to international construction price comparison
01.02 Note on informal construction
01.03 Construction survey form
02. Data Validation
02.01 Analysis of 2005 ring data guidance for validation of core prices
03. Productivity Adjustments and Implications for Linking
03.01 Background note on productivity adjustments as a special case of a general regional linking problem
04. Education
04.01 Education memo
05. Net Expenditures Abroad
05.01 Net expenditure of residents abroad
06. PPP Computation Task Force Meeting
07. Linking Basic Heading PPPs
07.01 Linking Basic Heading PPPs across regions
07.02 Linking the regions
07.03 Within region Basic Heading PPPs
07.04 Note on pricing more global core items
08. Linking PPPs above the Basic Heading
08.01 Possible approaches for the linking of the regions at the BH and aggregated levels for the ICP 2011
09. Intra-Country Price Variation/ Urban- Rural Differentials
09.01 Using unit-values to assess spatial price differences: evidence from India and Brazil
10.01 Presentation on Reference PPPs
11. Issues in Presenting and Linking Two Comparisons
11.02 2009 PPP Update in the Asia-Pacific Region: Results and Comparison with 2005
Additional Presentations
01. Meeting Objectives, Global Office
02. Data Validation, Global Office
03. Productivity Adjustment and Linking Issues, Alan Heston
05. Recommendation for Obtaining Interim Estimates for Purchasing Power Parities, CIS-Stat
06. Unit Values and Spatial Price Differences, Angus Deaton & Olivier Dupriez
07. Pricing More Global Core Items, Global Office
08. A Symmetric Version of the Eurostat-OECD Method, Robert Hill
09. Linking at aggregated levels, Global Office
10. Basic Heading PPPs, Within/Between Regions, Global Office