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Documents for the 3rd ICP 2011 TAG Meeting (June 10-11, 2010)

01. Status Report on Methodological Development        

01.01     Status Report on ICP Methodological Development

01.02     Minutes of the 2nd ICP 2011 Technical Advisory Group Meeting

02. Government Services            

02.01     Government Occupations, DCF & Indicators

02.02     Questionnaire on Government Expenditure

02.03     Government Collective Services - Compensation and Productivity Adjustments

02.04     Questionnaire on Government Occupation

03. Housing, including Rental Surveys   

03.01     Dwelling Services in the ICP 2011

03.02     Rental Specifications

03.03     User Cost Method

03.04     Questionnaire of Volume on Dwellings --- Excel version

03.05     Housing, including Rental Surveys

03.06     Dwelling Services

03.07     Dwelling Services Overview

03.08     Quantity Approach for Services of Dwelling

03.09     User Cost Estimates for Output of Owner Occupied

04. Survey Framework  

04.01     ICP Survey Framework

04.02     Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Basic Headings

04.03     Survey Framework for ICP Price Collection

05. Construction and Civil Engineering

05.01     Lessons learned from use of Basket of Construction Components

05.02     Working Paper on Construction

06. Making Sense of the PPP Changes between ICP Rounds        

06.01     Price Levels and Economic Growth: Making Sense of the PPP Changes between ICP Rounds

06.02     Price Levels and Economic Growth Presentation

07. Education

07.01     Towards an Output Approach to Estimate the Value of Education Services in Developing and Transitional Countries 

07.02     Education PPPs: an Output-Oriented Approach

08. Machinery and Equipment

08.01     Machinery and Equipment List, Initial Proposal

08.02     Machinery and Equipment and PPPs

09. Proposed Guidelines for Breaking Down GDP Expenditures into Basic Headings        

09.01     National Accounts Guidelines for ICP 2011

10. Presentation of the Global Core List

10.01     Global Core List in SPD form

10.02     Global Core List in a printable form

10.03     Consumer Electronics Product Description

11. Preparing for the October 2010 events: ICP Users’ Conference & TAG meeting          

11.01     The Way Forward
