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Documents for the 2nd ICP 2011 TAG Meeting (February 17-19, 2010)

Status Report on ICP Research and Collaboration on Specific Areas           

00.01     Status of Collaboration on Education, Health, Government, Energy, Water and Transport

Research Item 01: Owner-Occupied Housing       

01.01     An Exploration of Alternative Treatments of Owner- Occupied Housing in a CPI

01.02     Housing in Western Asia

01.03     Questionnaire

01.04     Final report on land price separation study

01.05     Housing in ICP 2011 : Issues to be Resolved

01.06     Notes on the Treatment of Housing in the National Accounts and the ICP

01.07     Reconciling User Costs and Rental - Equivalence: Evidence from the U.S. Consumer Expenditure Survey

01.08     The Decomposition of a House Price index into Land and Structures Components: A Hedonic Regression Approach

01.09     The Paris OECD-IMF Workshop on Real Estate Price Indexes: Conclusions and Future Directions

01.10     The Puzzling Divergence of Rents and User Costs, 1980–2004

01.11     The Puzzling Divergence of U.S. Rents and User Costs, 1980-2004: Summary and Extensions

01.12     User Cost for Rents of Dwellings in the West Balkan Countries

Research Item 02: Financial Services       

02.00     Report of the Technical Advisory Working Group on Financial Services

Research Item 03: Measurement of Government Outputs-           

03.01     Chapter 18: Health and Education

Research Item 04: Problems with the Review of Survey Frameworks, and the use of representativity indicators          

04.01     Are integration and comparison between CPIs and PPPs feasible?

04.02     Family of Consumer Price Indices for Different Purposes - The CPIs for Sub-groups of Population

04.03     The interpretation of the PPPs: a method for measuring the factors that affect the comparisons and the integration with the CPI work at regional level

04.04     Notes on representativity

04.05     Survey Framework for the ICP Price Collection

04.06     Income Effect and Urban-Rural Price Differentials from the Household Survey Perspective

Research Item 05: Treatment of Exports and Imports, and adjustment of Household Consumption for Net Purchases Abroad 

05.01     Treatment of Exports and Imports

05.02     Adjustment of household consumption for net purchases abroad

Research Item 06: Aggregation and linking Issues             

06.01     Similarity Indexes and Criteria for Spatial Linking

06.02     The evaluation of the approaches for the linking of the regions at the aggregated levels

06.03     A note on the Methodology for Linking the Regions within the ICP

06.04     A Note on Sergeev’s Democratic Method of Linking Regions at the Basic Heading Level

06.05     Global GEKS

06.06     Approaches to Linking the Regions         

Research Item 07: Construction PPPs      

07.01     A New Approach to International Construction Price Comparisons  

Research Item 08: Poverty          

08.01     Poverty Related Issues for the 2011 ICP Round

Research Item 09: Extrapolating PPPs between benchmarks and estimation of PPPs for non benchmark countries     

09.01     Estimation of PPPs for Non-Benchmark Economies for the 2005 ICP Round

Research Item 10: Sub-national PPPs      

10.01     Sub National PPPs based on integration with CPIs - Research Project, Draft Proposal

Additional paper:            

Price Levels and Economic Growth: Making Sense of the PPP Changes between ICP Rounds, Martin Ravallion               
