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Documents for the 5th ICP 2011 RC Meeting (October 5-6, 2011)

1. Status of Implementation of the Global and Regional Program            

1.01       Status of implementation of the global program 

1.02       Regional status reports  

2. Special Areas Surveys             

2.01       Operational material, activities to implement and next steps and timetable of other areas 

2.02       Operational aspects of special areas/ surveys:

               -    Fast-evolving technology items

               -    Private education 

               -    Private health

               -    Water 

               -    Equipment

               -    Construction  

               Presentation on: Special Survey Areas 

3. Data Validation and Processing           

3.01       Validation at the global level 

3.02       Calculation of national annual averages: proposed method, challenges 

               Presentation on: Computation of National Annual Average Prices 

4. National Accounts     

4.00       Presentation on National Accounts 

4.01       Splitting GDP using the Model Report on Expenditure Statistics (MORES) 

4.02       MORES: case study 

4.03       Next steps and timetable of National Accounts activities

5. Results           

5.01       ICP Classifications 

               Presentation on: ICP Classification Mapping Tables 

5.02       Proposed contents of the Global Report and layout of the tables of final results

               Presentation on:  2011 ICP Global Report 
