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Documents for the 4th ICP 2011 RC Meeting (April 20-21, 2011)

01. Global & Regional Status Reports     

01.01     Global Status Report Presentation 

01.02     Regional Status Reports 

02. Machinery & Equipment      

02.01     Machinery and Equipment 

02.02     Machinery and Equipment Goods: Finalization of the global list of items 

02.03     ICP 2011 Machinery and Equipment Survey: Data Tool, User Manual 

02.04     Machinery & Equipment Goods Survey: Operational recommendations 

02.05     Machinery and Equipment, and PPPs 

03. Construction             

03.01     A New Approach to International Construction Price Comparison 

03.02     ICP 2011 - Construction Price Survey 

03.03     A New Approach to International Construction Price Comparisons 

03.04     The Pilot Survey and Arrangements for the Main Survey 

03.05     PPPs for Informal Construction 

04. National Accounts  

04.01     National accounts tasks for the ICP 

05. Matrices of Availability & Importance           

05.01     Matrices of Availability and Importance Presentation 

06. Validation of Household Consumption Price Data    

06.01     Analysis of 2005 Ring Data Guidance for Validation of Core Prices 

06.02     Household Consumption Data and Metadata Submission and Validation 

07. Technical Assistance              

07.01     Operational Materials, Technical Assistance, and Workshops       

Additional Paper:           

PPPs for Technology Products with Country Brand Model Dummy CBMD Method  
