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Documents for the 1st ICP 2011 RC Meeting (September 28-30, 2009)


01 - Objectives of the ICP 2011

02 - Lessons Learned from ICP 2005

03 - Efficiency of the Core Product List in International Comparisons

04 - Process for Building Regional Item Lists

05 - Time table for building the Global and Regional Core list 

06 - ICP Core List

07 - OECD Comments by BH on the Core List 

08 - Compensation of Employees

09 - Health Sector Comparisons: Concept Note 

10 - Health Guidelines 

11 - Health Product Descriptions 

12 - Private Education Product Descriptions 

13 - Private Education Product Specifications Used in the ICP 2005 Round 

14 - Housing in ICP 2011: Issues to be Resolved  

15 - Machinery and Equipment: Concept Note  

16 - Proposal to Carry Out a Survey in Order to Use Exchange Rates as Proxy PPPs for Machinery and Equipment 

17 - The Original Equipment Product List Used in the ICP 2005 Round, Product Specifications & Core List 

18 - The Original Equipment Product Specifications Used in the ICP 2005 Round 

19 - A New Construction Price Comparison Methodology for the International Comparison Program: Concept Note 

20 - Defining the National Accounts Framework for the ICP 

21 - Guidelines and Proposed Sequence of ICP-Related National Accounts Activities 

22 - Microdata and Metadata Management Toolkit-ICP - Specific Data Documentation Initiative (DDI) 

23 - Archiving and Accessing ICP 2011 Results 

24 - Evaluation of the ICP 2005 Software Suite - Summary Findings and Results 

25 - Data Process, Management, and Transfer Charts 

26 - Data Quality Assessment Framework (DQAF) for the International Comparison Program (ICP) 

27 - DQAF-ICP Country Checklist 

28 - Proposed ICP 2011 Timetable 

29 - Governance framework for the Management and Implementation of the 2011 Round of the International Comparison Program 

30 - Memorandum of Agreement between the World Bank and the Regional Coordinating Agency 

31a - ICP Classification 

32b - Classification of Final Expenditure on GDP 


01a - Objectives of the Meeting 

01b - Objectives of ICP 2011 

02 - Lessons Learned ICP 2005

02a - Lessons Learnt from 2005 ICP-Africa Implementation and Preparation for the 2011 Round 

02b - ICP 2011, Regional Coordinators Meeting – ADB 

02c - CIS Comparisons 

02d - ICP 2011 Round - Western Asia Region  

02e - Eurostat/OECD PPP Program: Recent Developments and Plans for the Future

03 - Core Product List in International Comparisons: Experience from Asian 2009 Update 

04-05 - Process for Building the Core and Regional Lists of Specifications  

06 - The Core List 

12c - A New Approach to Education PPPs in the Eurostat/OECD Exercise (OECD Meeting on PPPs for Non-European Countries, 27 – 29 April 2009)

12d - A New Approach to Education PPPs in the Eurostat/OECD Exercise: Test Results for 2005 (OECD Meeting on PPPs for Non-European Countries, 27 – 29 April 2009)

14 - Housing in ICP 2011: Outstanding Issues 

16 - Machinery & Equipment: Using Exchange Rates as PPPs for M&E  

20 - Defining the National Accounts Framework for the ICP 

21 - Guidelines and Proposed Sequence of ICP-Related National Accounts Activities 

23 - Data Process, Management and Transmission Chart, and Access Policy  

26 - Data Quality Assessment Framework for the ICP and Checklist  

30 - Memoranda of Understanding 


