The governance framework of the ICP 2011 round was designed to ensure the delivery of accurate, reliable, and timely estimates of the PPPs of currencies and real GDP and its components.

Executive Board provided the ICP with leadership and played an important role in setting the strategic direction and ensuring progress in and attainment of the various milestones set for the program.
Global Office, hosted by the World Bank, was responsible for the overall coordination and implementation of the work program of ICP 2011 at the global level.
Technical Advisory Group, and various working groups, advised the Global Office on the technical issues linked to the conceptual integrity and methodological adequacy of the ICP.
Regional Coordinating Agencies (the Regional Coordinators) were responsible for the development of product lists, coordination of data collection, validation within the region and compilation and dissemination of the PPPs and real expenditures for the respective regions. Those agencies for the seven ICP 2011 regions were the African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, Interstate Statistical Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States, United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, and Australian Bureau of Statistics, which assumed responsibility for the Pacific Islands economies. The activities of the eighth region were organized by Eurostat and the OECD.
National Coordinating Agencies (the National Coordinators) assumed responsibility for the collection and validation of the information requested for analysis and the transmittal of that information to the respective regional coordinating agencies.