The World Bank Group’s (WBG) Human Rights, Inclusion and Empowerment (HRIE) Umbrella aims to increase and strengthen the understanding and application of human rights principles across the WBG’s work. It does so through (i) funding human rights-focused, Bank-executed grants, (ii) providing technical and analytical support to Bank teams, and (iii) building the understanding and capacity of Bank management and staff via human rights training, knowledge-sharing events, and guidance materials. The HRIE Umbrella is supported by Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and the United Kingdom and has a targeted budget of US$ 60 M over a ten-year period.
The HRIE Umbrella is an Umbrella 2.0 Program under the World Bank’s new trust fund architecture. The Umbrella 2.0 approach seeks to strengthen the link between funding and strategic priorities, and to improve efficiencies in management and administration of trust fund resources. Each umbrella program is anchored by a multi-donor trust fund (MDTF) and may include other associated trust funds. The Human Rights, Inclusion and Empowerment trust fund is the anchor for the HRIE Umbrella; the Inclusive Education Initiative (IEI) Multi-donor Trust Fund is an associated trust fund. Each umbrella program operates on the basis of the following core principles: one overarching development objective, a unified results framework, a single annual report to donors, one governance body (a partnership council), and a communication and visibility plan.