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Global Facility to Decarbonize Transport (GFDT)


What We Fund

GFDT supports the deployment of low-carbon mobility solutions by funding the following work:

  1. Pilot Projects: Pilot projects with potential for significant climate benefits that serve as a proof-of-concept and could catalyze large-scale transport investments.
  2. Research and Analytics: Comprehensive research and analytical work to diagnose country-specific transport challenges and identify and prepare green mobility solutions and investments.
  3. Capacity Enhancement: Activities designed to help officials modernize policies, institutions, and incentive structures to promote the transition to green mobility.


Our Framework

Our approach to transport decarbonization is based on the Avoid-Shift-Improve framework, widely adopted by the World Bank, UN, EU, and other major institutions and governments. GFDT has added Resilience to this framework, recognizing that climate change impacts are already taking a toll on transport infrastructure.

  • Avoid: Avoiding the need for motorized transport, such as through urban design that encourages walking and cycling and through land-use planning that minimizes urban sprawl.
  • Shift: Shifting to less carbon-intensive modes of transport, such as walking, cycling, public transport, and electric vehicles.
  • Improve: Improving the energy efficiency of transport, both at the vehicle level such as through the adoption of electric vehicles, and at a network level such as through traffic optimization and public transport digitization.
  • Resilience: Making transport systems more resilient to climate change impacts such as hotter average temperatures and more-frequent severe weather events.
Logo of the Global Facility to Decarbonize Transport (GFDT)

About the Program

The Global Facility to Decarbonize Transport (GFDT) is a multi-donor trust fund that accelerates innovation and investment in low-carbon mobility solutions.
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Contact Us

Shokraneh Minovi
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