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The Global Data Facility at a glance

The World Bank-hosted Global Data Facility is an innovative global funding instrument for the world's most critical data impact opportunities.

Orange globe with data

The Global Data Facility:

→ forms part of a new, collaborative global effort for financing data,
→ ensures that local demand drives funding,
→ serves as a global coordination mechanism,
→ helps to implement a new global vision on data to improve lives and safeguard the planet.

The Global Data Facility was established through a unique partnership between the World Bank, United Nations, and development partners to mobilize at least $500 million and coordinate support for the global data agenda by 2030. Through investments in the fundamentals as well as at the frontier of data and statistics, it ensures flexible and adaptive country-led approaches. And operating in tandem with other initiatives, it optimizes alignment of funding and priorities around the world.

The Global Data Facilty is the World Bank’s primary mechanism to implement key recommendations and insights from the World Development Report 2021: Data for Better Lives, enable the implementation of the Cape Town Global Action Plan for Sustainable Development Data, and close data gaps around the Sustainable Development Goals.


The Global Data Facility supports the use of mobile phone data for development policy in 30 countries by 2030

Putting Mobile Phone Data to Work for Policy

The World Bank has launched a multi-partner initiative under the Global Data Facility (GDF) to help low- and middle-income countries integrate MPD into their national data systems. The GDF-MPD program aims to support 20 countries by 2030.
Learn more Arrow
Indermit Gill: GDF was designed to implement the key recommendations and insights from the 2021 World Development Report.
Indermit Gill, Senior Vice President and Chief Economist, World Bank Group

The GDF is designed to help the 274 million people who need urgent support due to overlapping global crises.


Craig Hammer gives an interview about the Global Data Facility at UN World Data Forum 2023.

2023 UN World Data Forum


The Global Data Facility was launched by Haishan Fu during the 2021 UN World Data Forum.

Launch of the Global Data Facility

Watch the formal launch of the Global Data Facility at the 2021 UN World Data Forum in Bern, Switzerland.

Data with Purpose

Learn more about the “Data with Purpose” campaign launched in the spring of 2022 by the World Bank and the UN in cooperation with the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data to unlock the power of data for a better, greener, safer future.