The FLC leverages some $33.4 billion in financing, including the World Bank’s own International Development Association (IDA) and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) funding, through the FLC Anchor Trust Fund and the associated ELP Trust Fund. It has a global footprint of support in 76 countries. It also supports the development of global public goods, such as innovative tools, evidence and data, and analytics, as well as the provision of technical assistance to implement evidence-based interventions to improve learning outcomes and systemic reforms.
The FLC Anchor encompasses a set of targeted programs and activities that aim to improve learning outcomes. These include:
• Accelerator Program, which has expanded to Accelerator 2.0 to benefit more countries with foundational learning.
• Learning Measurement and Data activities, which focus on (1) Learning Assessments, (2) Learning Data Analytics, and (3) Drivers of Learning.
• Support for teachers is provided through programs like Global Coach, Coach Mozambique, and the Teach-Coach Scaling Up National Support for Effective Teaching (SUNSET) grants.
• EdTech Hub to support governments and country teams to tackle incorporation of education technology.
• Education Policy Academy, which has been expanded and updated to cover foundational learning (including learning assessment and literacy), inclusive education, teacher support, education technology, and early childhood education.
• Bangladesh Secondary Education Program.
• Two new initiatives: the Inclusive Support for Refugee Education (INSPIRE) to support government to incorporate refugee children in national education systems; and the Implementation Science for Education (ISE) to support implementation research at scale to inform operations.