The Financial Management Umbrella Program supports work that touches more than 50 countries, including country-specific and multiple-country regional and global programs. Explore the list to learn more about what we're doing together with reformers around the world to improve financial management.
The work in Albania is supporting government authorities to strengthen institutional and technical capacity to adopt International Public Sector Accounting Standards-based public sector accounting and financial reporting.
Algeria participates in the Public Financial Management for the Middle East and North Africa (PFM for MENA) program. The program delivers peer-to-peer learning and just-in-time consulting to develp better public financial management, including good accountability and oversight systems. This is central to both building faith in government and substantively improving government performance. Other countries that are part of PFM for MENA are Egypt, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia.
FMUP work in Armenia is happening through two programs. One country-specific program is geared toward strengthening public investment management and public asset management processes through the implementation of enhanced evidence-based digital decision making and climate action mainstreaming measures. Armenia is also part of the Enhancing Auditing, Accounting, and Sustainability Reporting (EAASURE) project, which is developing corporate financial reporting related capabilities in several countries in the Europe and Central Asia region.
Azerbaijan is part of the Enhancing Auditing, Accounting, and Sustainability Reporting (EAASURE) project, which is developing corporate financial reporting related capabilities in several countries in the Europe and Central Asia region.
In Benin, the World Bank team is working on a Climate Change Institutional Assessment and providing recommendations for addressing key bottlenecks to climate change governance and adaptation, and conducting related knowledge-sharing activities.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Reformers in Bosnia and Herzegovina are putting into place new systems that will make state-owned enterprises (SOEs) stronger and more accountable. FMUP is supporting this reform through our Supporting Better, Effective, Sustainable, and Transparent SOEs (BEST SOEs) program. The most significant advances to date are in the Republika Srpska. Bosnia and Herzegovina is also part of the Enhancing Auditing, Accounting, and Sustainability Reporting (EAASURE) project, which is developing corporate financial reporting related capabilities in the Europe and Central Asia region.
Burkina Faso
Reformers in Burkina Faso are part of the World Bank's Foundational Accounting and Financial Management Skills Enhancement (FASE) program. FASE takes aim at the accounting skills deficit by improving accounting standards and offering training and support for African accounting talent. FASE is a regional program. Other countries involved are Côte d'Ivoire, Morocco, Senegal, and Tunisia.
Cabo Verde
State-owned enterprise (SOE) corporate governance-related work is underway in a regional project including Cabo Verde and Côte d’Ivoire. The project aims to improve the financial performance, service delivery performance, and competitiveness of SOEs in the two countries by addressing gaps in the knowledge base related to SOE reform challenges. The project will focus on institutional and corporate governance aspects and will involve conducting research and analysis to identify key challenges and opportunities for SOE reform in these countries.
This work aims to enhance the quality and transparency of corporate reporting and disclosures in Cambodia by adopting and implementing international sustainability disclosure standards. The project is geared toward fostering accountability by Cambodian enterprises for their contribution to the country's societal and climate goals, with a particular focus on promoting a green economy and social accountability.
The work in Cameroon is focused on supporting the Government of Cameroon to undertake sustainable, transparent, and accountable allocations and use of public financial resources for more inclusive local public service delivery.
Côte D'Ivoire
There are two FMUP programs underway in Côte D'Ivoire--the Financial Management Skills Enhancement Program, which offers training and assistance to upskill accounting talent, and a corporate governance improvement initiative related to state-owned enterprises (SOEs). The SOE project aims to improve the financial performance, service delivery, and competitiveness of SOEs in Cabo Verde and Côte d'Ivoire by addressing knowledge gaps related to SOE reform challenges.
Democratic Republic of Congo
Financial management reformers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo are using the World Bank's GovEnable framework. The GovEnable team is helping to address challenges in the financing and management of resources for provincial service delivery in health and education.
Dominica (along with Grenada, St. Lucia, and St. Vincent) is part of a regional program to enhance fiscal risk management through provision of analysis, advisory services, and technical assistance. The work will incorporate public asset exposure and contingent liabilities references in relevant legislation, implementing an asset registry and management system, and preparing financial risk statements.
Egypt participates in the Public Financial Management for the Middle East and North Africa (PFM for MENA) program. The program delivers peer-to-peer learning and just-in-time consulting to develp better public financial management, including good accountability and oversight systems. This is central to both building faith in government and substantively improving government performance. Other countries that are part of PFM for MENA are Algeria, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia.
The Gabon project’s development objective is to strengthen capacity of public officials in public financial management, public investment management, and state-owned enterprise (SOE) monitoring to implement new program-based budgeting reform and improve governance and transparency of SOEs.
Through FMUP work in Georgia, the legal framework and institutions of the country will be strengthened to manage state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and SOE-related fiscal risks more effectively. This will be achieved by developing the state ownership function, improving corporate governance standards, and increasing financial transparency and oversight of SOEs. Georgia is also part of the Enhancing Auditing, Accounting, and Sustainability Reporting (EAASURE) project, which is developing corporate financial reporting related capabilities in several countries in the Europe and Central Asia region.
Grenada is part of an Eastern Caribbean regional program that will collect and analyze sex-disaggregated administrative data and design more gender-responsive budget policies. Also part of the program are Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
The stabilization and upgrade of Honduras' public financial management information system is a key objective of this initiative. It will involve conducting studies that will inform the design and implementation of short- and long-term investments in the SIAFI and SAMI systems. By providing a governance foundation and analytical underpinning for the upgrade of the core IFMIS systems, the project will contribute to the development of a more efficient and effective public financial management system in Honduras. Work is also underway to improve the quality and effectiveness of public sector auditing through the design of a quality-review system in compliance with international standards.
This program is set to improve the quality and effectiveness of public sector auditing, through the design of a quality review system in compliance with international standards. The program will also strengthen the TSC internal audit function and supervision of internal audit units, while also enhancing the auditing skills of TSC staff in international standards to conduct financial, compliance and performance audits.
This program will strengthen the quality of corporate financial reporting. In addressing the need for improved transparency and quality of financial and non-financial information in the corporate sector of Indonesia, this project aims to equip the government with knowledge of best practices in publishing financial statements. It will also improve audit quality and increase awareness of recent international trends in sustainability reporting.
To effectively manage its finances, ensure transparency in financial reporting, and enhance accountability and oversight in the use of public funds, the project aims to support the Kenyan government in improving its integrated treasury management, accountability, and oversight framework through various measures such as fiscal and expenditure management, financial reporting and transparency, and accountability and oversight. Kenya is also using the World Bank's GovEnable framework and working with Bank technical staff to develop a joint action plan for strengthening devolved services between national and county governments.
Work in Kazakhstan is designed to improve the performance and accountability of public institutions in Central Asia by strengthening the capacity of supreme audit instiutions. This will be achieved through the development and delivery of performance and financial audit model manuals, training materials, and training programs. This is being done as part of a regional program that also includes the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikstan, and Uzbekistan.
Kosovo is part of the Enhancing Auditing, Accounting, and Sustainability Reporting (EAASURE) project, which is developing corporate financial reporting related capabilities in several countries in the Europe and Central Asia region.
Kyrgyz Republic
Work in the Kyrgyz Republic is designed to improve the performance and accountability of public institutions in Central Asia by strengthening the capacity of supreme audit instiutions. This will be achieved through the development and delivery of performance and financial audit model manuals, training materials, and training programs. This is being done as part of a regional program that also includes the Kazakhstan, Tajikstan, and Uzbekistan.
Work in Lao PDR is supporting the government on public financial management reforms, encompassing public expenditure and revenue management, public procurement, and human resources management. The work is an integral part of a comprehensive support program to the Government of Lao's public financial management reform strategy.
This project will develop the foundation of an institutional framework for public investment management that can help to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of public investments in Lebanon.
Libya participates in the Public Financial Management for the Middle East and North Africa (PFM for MENA) program. The program delivers peer-to-peer learning and just-in-time consulting to develp better public financial management, including good accountability and oversight systems. This is central to both building faith in government and substantively improving government performance. Other countries that are part of PFM for MENA are Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia.
The work in Malawi is structured to enhance fiscal risk management through an improved public financial management system, strengthen oversight and reporting of state-owned enterprises, and enhance transparency in government expenditure.
The project is structured to enhance fiscal risk management through improved public financial management systems, strengthen oversight and reporting in state-owned enterprises, and enhance transparency in government expenditures.
This project will provide capacity building and technical assistance for public asset management--for asset registry, monitoring, valuation, depreciation and disposal processes, development of asset management policy, and implementing valuation policies. The technical assistance will include framework development to produce diagnostics, policy notes and technical reports, and knowledge sharing sessions and trainings to implement and maintain a centralized IT system for asset registry.
Micronesia is a participant in the Pacific Foundational Accounting and Financial Management Skills Enhancement Program (PFASE). The objective is to assist the Government of the Federated States of Micronesia to create a training and certification program that focuses on foundational skills in accounting and financial management for students in technical and vocational training.
Moldova is part of the Enhancing Auditing, Accounting, and Sustainability Reporting (EAASURE) project, which is developing corporate financial reporting related capabilities in several countries in the Europe and Central Asia region.
Montenegro is part of the Enhancing Auditing, Accounting, and Sustainability Reporting (EAASURE) project, which is developing corporate financial reporting related capabilities in several countries in the Europe and Central Asia region.
Morocco is part of a regional program, the Financial Management and Skills Enhancement (FASE) program. In addition to Morocco, Burkina Faso, Côte D'Ivoire, Senegal, and Tunisia are involved in FASE. FASE offers training and guidance to help upskill accountants. Morocco also participates in the Public Financial Management for the Middle East and North Africa (PFM for MENA) program. The program delivers peer-to-peer learning and just-in-time consulting to develp better public financial management, including good accountability and oversight systems. This is central to both building faith in government and substantively improving government performance. Other countries that are part of PFM for MENA are Algeria, Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia.
Financial management reformers in Nigeria are using the World Bank's GovEnable framework, and working with World Bank technical staff, focused on improving health and education delivery across state and local governments.
North Macedonia
North Macedonia is part of the Enhancing Auditing, Accounting, and Sustainability Reporting (EAASURE) project, which is developing corporate financial reporting related capabilities in several countries in the Europe and Central Asia region.
Financial management reformers in Pakistan are using the World Bank's GovEnable framework. The Bank's GovEnable team is working with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province to address bottlenecks in the allocation of resources in health and education and the management of resources by schools and health facilities.
This program, Strengthening the Corporate Financial Reporting Regime for an Enhanced Business Environment, will provide updated policy recommendations to strengthen the accounting, auditing, and reporting practices in Peru. This will help improve the quality and reliability of corporate financial reporting in the country, contributing to an improved business environment and investment climate.
This initiative will support the enhancement of state-owned enterprise (SOE) governance and green public investment management in Rwanda. The program is structured to include an in-depth review of the existing public investment management frameworks and systems in Rwanda. The work will yield recommendations on how to better incorporate environment and climate related aspects and will also produce an SOE dashboard and performance guidelines.
Senegal participates in a regional program, the Financial Management and Skills Enhancement (FASE) program. In addition to Senegal, Burkina Faso, Côte D'Ivoire, Morocco, and Tunisia are involved in FASE. FASE offers training and guidance to help upskill accountants.
An FMUP project in Serbia, Climate and Digital-informed Public Investment and Asset Management, is focusing on enhancing digital and green systems and processes at both the central and local levels. This involves the development and implementation of new technologies and systems to support data collection, analysis, and reporting. Serbia is also part of the Enhancing Auditing, Accounting, and Sustainability Reporting (EAASURE) project, which is developing corporate financial reporting related capabilities in several countries in the Europe and Central Asia region.
The team in Seychelles is working to assess the country's public financial management systems and facilitate dialogue on the country's climate change needs, and support the government in mobilizing climate financing and leveraging the blue economy. Work includes a Public Expenditure and Financial Accountability (PEFA) assessment, including climate and gender modules.
Sierra Leone
The focus of the program is the improvement of the integration of climate strategies, plans, and policies in fiscal and public financial management practices for the Government of Sierra Leone. The project will help the government to identify the strengths and challenges of their institutional architecture and develop strategies to overcome the challenges.
Saint Lucia
St. Lucia is part of a regional program (along with Dominica, Grenada, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) to enhance fiscal risk management through provision of analysis, advisory services, and technical assistance. The work will incorporate public asset exposure and contingent liabilities references in relevant legislation, implementing an asset registry and management system, and preparing financial risk statements.
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is part of a regional program (along with Dominica, Grenada, and Saint Lucia) to enhance fiscal risk management through provision of analysis, advisory services, and technical assistance. The work will incorporate public asset exposure and contingent liabilities references in relevant legislation, implementing an asset registry and management system, and preparing financial risk statements. The country is also part of another regional program, this one focused on collecting and analyzing sex-disaggregated administrative data and on developing more gender-responsive budget policies. Other participants in this Eastern Caribbean initiative are Grenada and Saint Lucia.
South Africa
In South Africa, an FMUP-supported team is working to help advance the professionalization of public sector finance/accounting officers, particularly at the municipal level, in performing their custodial role of managing public expenditures.
The public financial management reform program is strengthening public sector accounting and auditing in Timor-Leste to comply with international standards.
This project aims to improve the performance and accountability of public institutions in Central Asia by strengthening the capacity of supreme audit institutions. The progam is also underway in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, and Uzbekistan.
In Togo, the World Bank team is working on a Climate Change Institutional Assessment and providing recommendations for addressing key bottlenecks to climate change governance and adaptation, and conducting related knowledge-sharing activities.
Tunisia is using the World Bank's GovEnable framework, and receiving related support with a focus on improving health and education delivery across state and local governments. Tunisia is also part of the World Bank's Financial Management and Skills Enhancement (FASE) program, which involves five Francophone countries. In addition to Tunisia, participants are Burkina Faso, Côte D'Ivoire, Morocco, and Senegal. FASE offers training and guidance to help upskill accountants. Tunisia also participates in the Public Financial Management for the Middle East and North Africa (PFM for MENA) program. The program delivers peer-to-peer learning and just-in-time consulting to develp better public financial management, including good accountability and oversight systems. Other countries that are part of PFM for MENA are Algeria, Egypt, Libya, and Morocco.
The work centers on disaster-resilient and -responsive public financial management. The program is set to deliver the analytical underpinning that identifies the institutional issues and investments needed to strengthen the capability of Turkiye’s existing public financial management systems to support sustainable recovery plans post-disasters. The program’s work will directly inform the design and preparation of a pipeline operation to strengthen the governance of public asset and investment management in response to natural disasters.
Work in Ukraine is focused on advancing public sector accounting reform. Specifically, the work will improve transparency and financial information quality in Ukraine through provision of technical assistance and capacity building to facilitate the implementation of good international practices and standards. Ukraine is also part of the Enhancing Auditing, Accounting, and Sustainability Reporting (EAASURE) project, which is developing corporate financial reporting related capabilities in several countries in the Europe and Central Asia region.
Work in Uzbekistan is designed to improve the performance and accountability of public institutions by strengthening the capacity of supreme audit instiutions. This will be achieved through the development and delivery of performance and financial audit model manuals, training materials, and training programs. This is being done as part of a regional program in Central Asia which also includes Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, and Tajikstan.
The goal of this work is to promote the use of technology by Vietnam’s subnational governments to improve their governance of public assets — amidst challenges to sustainable growth prospects brought upon by rapid urbanization and climate change.
The objective of this program is to enhance the fiscal transparency in Zimbabwe by supporting five local authorities and three state-owned enterprises to achieve IPSAS compliance and provide technical support to assist the Government of Zimbabwe to revise their IPSAS implementation roadmap.
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