The World Bank helps the reformers devise solutions, provides assistance to define ways to engage stakeholders who need to be part of those solutions, and offers financial support for implementation.
World Bank teams with technical expertise relevant to the local challenges also participate in the clinics—but as facilitators, not as solutions providers in the traditional sense. The GovEnable program delivers training for them to take on this role which enables local stakeholders to come up with their own solutions.
This is only the start. Critically, participants also design a process to engage other key stakeholders who are not in the room. The aim is to create working coalitions with those stakeholders and further develop the reform plan and translate it into action and results.
GovEnable consists of three elements:
- GovBottlenecks promotes reform design which is led by local stakeholders. It involves identifying and diagnosing complex delivery challenges by breaking them down into more distinct and tractable governance bottlenecks, identifying their causes, analyzing stakeholders, and developing solutions.
- GovFacilitate promotes collaborative reform processes. It involves experimentation, learning, and adaptation, as local reformers leverage convening power to facilitate engagement among stakeholders to work together to achieve results.
- GovForResults promotes sectoral and governance operations, which deliver more sustainable results. It involves development partners, including World Bank teams, designing flexible operations that support reforms to address governance constraints by using and strengthening local financing systems and institutions for better service delivery.
The initiative’s country work includes locally co-created problem-solving and solutions development, which will lead to collaborative implementation by reform teams and that can be supported by World Bank operations.
Country projects underway include:
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Kenya
- Nigeria
- Pakistan
- Tunisia
We are also focused on engaging World Bank management and teams, to raise awareness across the World Bank and to help teams apply the GovEnable approach to existing projects to boost impact. Work on that front has included:
- An initial internal training for World Bank teams to enable them to apply the GovEnable framework in their projects.
- A suite of tools and resources for World Bank technical teams.
- An intranet site with background, tools, and resources for World Bank teams.
An externally facing platform for GovEnable resources will be launched in early 2024. A resource pool of practitioners is being built and an Academy of GovEnablers is being formed. Most importantly, the aim will be to expand implementation of the framework to more countries.