The World Bank's Debt Data Team is updating the Debtor Reporting System (DRS).
What is the DRS?
Established in 1951, the World Bank's Debtor Reporting System (DRS) was created to collect accurate and timely data on external debt at the loan level, in order to evaluate a borrowing country's foreign debt status, creditworthiness, and economic management.
Over time, the DRS has greatly expanded to include details on non-guaranteed private sector debt, debt restructurings (like discounted buybacks, collateralized bonds, debt reduction in present value terms, and debt swaps), as well as more complex lending instruments and nontraditional creditors. Continuing to update the DRS is crucial to better evaluate a country's debt position, strengthen debt projections, and present a more accurate picture of its economic health.
Why is the DRS being updated?
Since September 2023, the World Bank has been collaborating closely with the IMF, UNCTAD, and COMSEC through the Technical Working Group on Advancing and Enhancing Public and External Debt Statistics (TWGDS) to develop an updated Debtor Reporting System (DRS).
The new DRS is designed in response to the evolving international financial landscape. It aims to enhance debt transparency, streamline the reconciliation of creditor and debtor data, adapt to evolving borrowing patterns, and expand coverage using more granular data. The update also aims to be aligned with international standards, including the System of National Accounts 2008 (2008 SNA), Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6), 2013 External Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users (2013 EDS Guide), and the 2013 Public Sector Debt Statistics: Guide for Compilers and Users (2013 PSDS Guide), as well as the upcoming BPM7, SNA 2025, and EDS. Updating the DRS is crucial to better measuring a country's debt position, strengthen debt projections, and paint a more accurate picture of a country's economic health.
This update will include enhancements and expansion of:
- DRS manual
- DRS compilation methodology
- DRS reporting template
Global Consultation Participation Guidelines
This consultation is intended to be completed by debt management offices, central banks, national statistical offices, relevant international organizations, and academia who have a direct interest in or experience with monitoring international sovereign debt statistics. It aims to gather insights and feedback from experts who are actively involved in the collection, analysis, and reporting of debt data. Your participation will help ensure that the methodologies and standards we develop are robust, accurate, and responsive to the needs of all involved stakeholders. Additionally, this is an opportunity to address any challenges or gaps in the proposed framework and to collaborate on best practices for improving debt statistics on a global scale.
Responses to the survey will be reviewed by the World Bank Debt Data Team to inform and improve updates to the DRS manual, reporting template, and compilation methodology.
You are encouraged to provide your responses electronically via the survey links below. A Microsoft Word version is available upon request by emailing the World Bank DRS Mailbox ( for further instructions. You are encouraged to provide a single coordinated response for your organization/institution.
Responses are requested by March 14, 2025.
Your input into this global consultation is very important and your participation is greatly appreciated.If you have any questions, or experience any difficulties, please email the World Bank DRS Mailbox (
Survey Materials:
Round 1: Introduction - Closed: March 14, 2025
Round 2: Matrix of changes - Not available yet
Round 3: Review of final DRS template - Not available yet