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CIWA in the Nile Basin

January 14, 2016


Basin countries: Burundi, DR Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda.

The eleven riparian countries in the Nile Basin face unique challenges and all have ambitious development plans to fuel economic growth and promote poverty alleviation efforts that depend critically on the sustainable use and management of shared Nile waters. Cooperative development and management of shared Nile waters can generate substantial “win-win” benefits to help unlock the full productive potential of the Nile Basin for more prosperous and sustainable national and regional growth and poverty reduction.

CIWA support in Nile River Basin follows on the heels of over a decade of coordinated support from development partners provided through the Nile Basin Trust Fund and captured in The Nile Story: 15 Years of Nile Cooperation – Making an Impact.


  • Nile Cooperation for Results – CIWA provides funding to the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI), an intergovernmental institution dedicated to fostering collaborative and sustainable development and economic growth through the shared resources of the Nile. The project is made up of three components each implemented by centers of the NBI – the NBI Secretariat advances water resources management and builds a platform for cooperation, while the Nile Equatorial Lakes Subsidiary Action Program Coordination Unit (NELSAP) and the Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office (ENTRO) expand the investment portfolio in the basin and provide analytical products around development issues.
  • Engaging Civil Society for Social and Climate Resilience in the Nile Basin – CIWA supports the Nile Basin Discourse (NBD), a network of civil society organizations from across the basin countries, aiming to enhance the voice of communities in the development of basin resources. The project strengthens the NBD’s capacity to engage civil society members and relevant stakeholders in Nile Basin cooperation programs, processes, and dialogue toward informing and improving the effectiveness of design, implementation, and monitoring of developmental processes.
