Policy Issue:
Inspections and other forms of accountability mechanisms are increasingly salient as a monitoring mechanism and a punitive tool for governments to achieve better delivery of public services, increased compliance with regulatory standards and decreased administrative costs of compliance.
In Kenya, at the beginning of this study. Only 2 percent of facilities were compliant with minimum safety standards. Private facilities, the majority of providers in the market, complained about lack of transparency and the high cost of complying with the regulation.
This study pilots the effectiveness of an improved inspection scheme that introduces communication protocols, monitoring systems, and scorecards. The improved scheme is expected to affect compliance, patient safety, and market outcomes linked to the performance of facilities (such as the demand for services and patient health expenditures).
Measurement instruments (paper 1) (paper 2) (paper 3)
Jishnu Das, Lead Economist, the World Bank
Guadalupe Bedoya, Economist, the World Bank
Jorge Coarasa, Senior Economist, the World Bank
Amy Dolinger, Project Coordinator, the World Bank
Ana Goicoechea, Senior Economist, the World Bank
Funding Partners:
Strategic Impact Evaluation Fund (SIEF)
Competitiveness Policy Evaluation Lab
Development Economics Research Group (DECRG)
Impact Evaluation to Development Impact (i2i)
Kenya Health in Africa Initiative
Korea World Bank Group Partnership Facility (KWPF)