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Climate Change Governance




Climate Change Budget Tagging: A Review of International Experience

Provides development practitioners and government officials with an understanding of the context and key design features of climate budget tagging initiatives. 



World Bank Reference Guide to Climate Change Framework Legislation

Climate Change Framework Legislation can establish institutional arrangements that help address the governance failures hindering climate action.



The Climate Change Institutional Assessment

Helps countries identify strengths and weaknesses in their institutions for climate change governance and the incentives for climate change action. 


Adapting Fiscal Decentralization Design to Combat Climate Change

Learn how to use fiscal decentralization to provide incentives for subnational governments to address climate change.


Green Public Procurement: An Overview of Green Reforms In Country Procurement Systems

This report explores the institutional arrangements that support green public procurement.



Guidance Note on Climate Change in Governance Operations

This Note provides an overview of the Bank’s corporate climate change commitments and their application in the Governance Global Practice.


Administrative Decentralization and Climate Change: Concepts, Experience and Actions

This paper focuses on climate action at the subnational government level through administrative decentralization and intergovernmental collaboration.



Disaster Resilient and Responsive Public Financial Management: An Assessment Tool

DRR-PFM Assessment is designed to help countries strengthen the capability of their Public Financial Management (PFM) systems to prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters. 


Climate Change Public Expenditure and Institutional Review Sourcebook

The CCPEIR seeks to provide practitioners with the tools and information needed to respond to the public expenditure policy and management challenges arising from climate change

SOE Thematic Module Governance Climate


Climate Related Financial Disclosures: Thematic Module in the Integrated State-Owned Enterprises Framework (iSOEF)

The training, case studies, and educational materials provided in the Toolkit offer SOEs the inputs they need to enhance their performance in the area of climate-related financial disclosure. After undertaking this iSOEF assessment, regulators and SOEs will be better prepared to adopt and implement global standards and good practices in this thematic area.

SOE Toolkit Governance Climate


Management and Disclosure of Climate-Related Financial Impacts for State-Owned Enterprises : Toolkit for Shareholders and Regulators

This document provides the structured framework that SOEs need to accomplish this important objective: the Climate-Related Management and Financial Disclosures for State-Owned Enterprises Toolkit. This mechanism can assist SOE boards and senior management to strategically identify and manage physical, transition, and litigation risks

CCIA climate change Institutional assessment Mozambique

Mozambique Climate Change Institutional Assessment (CCIA)

Despite having a constitutional framework that guarantees the protection of the environment, Mozambique currently lacks a framework law on climate change. 

climate change governance

Climate Change and Governance: Opportunities and Responsibilities

This Governance Note explains why climate change is a governance issue. It describes the development challenge that climate change poses and the policy response. It outlines the role of institutions in tackling climate change and key entry points for the governance practice.

Climate Smart PIM

Reference Guide for Climate-Smart Public Investment

This reference guide brings together in one place the resources that have been developed to embed climate change within public investment management (PIM) systems and the policies and processes that inform PIM’s design and implementation.

Open Gov and CC

Open Government and Climate Change: Leveraging Transparency, Participation, and Accountability for Effective Climate Action 

This note will show how the use of open government principles and mechanisms can make a notable contribution to climate change action. It provides examples of such measures as well as an inventory of existing good practices and tools, which can serve as a source of inspiration for policy makers and citizens alike.

green govtech

Greening Public Administration with GovTech - Embracing a Green Digital Transition Guidance Note - Volume 1

The guidance note will focus on “greening Public Administration through GovTech” defined as GovTech policies, initiatives, and/or solutions that embrace environmental considerations by design, maximizing the green benefits and considering the potential negative impacts, for example through digitalization of government processes. 

Climate Laws

Climate Change Framework Legislation: A Growing Trend

This note analyzes 12 key elements of framework laws, covering strategic goals, policy development and execution, evaluation and enforcement. It provides an analytical structure and summary of the latest practice to support countries interested in enacting climate change framework laws.



Watch the recording of the Green Public Procurement Event Launch! Translations and interpretations are available on the event page in Arabic, English, French and Spanish.
Event Launch recording: Green Public Procurement Report Arrow


Listen in on how the World Bank is helping governments turn their climate commitments into effective responses

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Lara Saade
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