The Cross-Country Analysis visualization provides access to more than 250 comparative fiscal indicators across countries through time (2009 onwards). These indicators allow the user to benchmark the fiscal performance of different countries in terms of percentage of GDP, the participation of the overall spending, and per capita spending (in PPP terms).
To use the interface, the user can select between different variables, such as year, budget type, indicator, budget parameter, country, region, and income level. The year and country variables, as its name implies, allows the user to choose between different years (2009 onwards) and countries. The budget type variable presents more than 40 categories of spending, mainly from a range of economic and functional classifications. The variable indicator displays the amounts on the visualization either as percentage of GDP, percentage of total spending or per capita spending (in PPP terms). The variable budget parameter allows the user to choose between two categories of the budget cycle: approved and executed, and two types of budget deviation: budget deviation (the simple difference between executed and approved amounts) and percentage of budget deviation (the difference between executed and approved amounts as percentage of the approved amounts). The region and incomevariables present the option of choosing between different regions of the world and income levels, following the World Bank country and income level classifications.
Important Note: Visualizations are best viewed in any browser other than Internet Explorer. If you are using Internet Explorer, click on full-size option at the bottom of each chart for best view.