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Afghanistan: Disaster Risk Management & Resilience Program


Afghanistan is highly prone to intense and recurring natural hazards such as flooding, earthquakes, snow avalanches, landslides and droughts due to its geographical location and years of environmental degradation.

Climate change also poses a threat to Afghanistan’s natural resources, of which the majority of Afghans depend for their livelihoods. Afghanistan faces significant impacts of climate change and disasters which impact growth prospects.

The country’s low level of socio-economic development makes it extremely vulnerable to disasters, resulting in frequent loss of lives, livelihoods, and public and private property. Since 1980, disasters caused by natural hazards have affected 9 million people and caused over 20,000 fatalities in the country.

The Establishing Critical Risk Information project ensures that policy makers, government counterparts, partner organizations and agencies have access to comprehensive multi-hazard risk assessments. These inform and integrate development planning, public policy and investments in assuring the resilience of new and existing reconstruction to natural hazards and climate change which are critical to secure both lives and livelihoods.

This project therefore supports the creation, understanding and accessibility of hazard, exposure, vulnerability and risk information as a critical component for effective management of disaster risk and climate risk in Afghanistan.

With funding from the Government of Japan and the Global Facility for Disaster Risk Reduction and in close cooperation with the Afghanistan National Disaster Management Agency, the World Bank has produced a comprehensive multi-hazard risk assessment at the national level, including in depth assessments for selected geographic areas. 



Last Updated: May 02, 2017

  • The Education Quality Reform in Afghanistan Project: This new basic education project, currently under preparation, sets out to support reforms and results outlined in the National Education Strategic Plan, including school construction. The Establishing Risk Information project will inform and support an assessment of the existing portfolio of schools in Afghanistan to identify vulnerabilities and areas for improvement to strengthen the overall resilience of schools to natural hazards.
  • The Trans-Hindukush Road Connectivity Project for Afghanistan aims to improve road transport connectivity across the Hindukush mountain range. The ECRI will inform a risk assessment of two transport corridors, including the Salang Pass, to identify vulnerabilities and risk mitigation measures.
  • The Citizens' Charter Afghanistan Project is a National Priority Program (NPP). The Citizens Charter is the first ever inter-ministerial, multi-sectorial NPP in Afghanistan, where Ministries will collaborate on a single program using a programmatic approach, including rural development, education, health and agriculture and irrigation. Community Development Councils (CDCs) will be linked to sub-national government to improve communications and coordination from the community to the district, provincial and national levels, which will increase Government visibility and accountability. ECRI will inform a review and update of infrastructure designs and site selection, training of engineers and CDCs and strengthened awareness of natural hazards.
  • The Irrigation Restoration and Development Project provides support for the rehabilitation of irrigation systems covering about 300,000 hectares of irrigated areas; the design and construction of a limited number of multi-purpose small dams and appurtenances; and establishment of hydro-meteorological facilities and services. The Establishing Critical Risk Information (ECRI) will serve to inform the assessment of new irrigation schemes and dams as well as support a national roadmap on hydromet services and early warning.
  • The Afghanistan Rural Access Project will enable rural communities to benefit from all-season road access to basic services and facilities through the rehabilitation and maintenance of rural access infrastructure. ECRI will support ARAP in identifying locations where natural hazards threaten the all-seasonality of the road network and propose design strengthening and maintenance improvements to mitigate the identified risks.


Last Updated: May 02, 2017


Disaster risk profile : Afghanistan (English)

Afghanistan’s rugged mountain landscape and generally arid climate make it prone to several natural hazards.

The availability of risk information is key for effective management of disaster and climate risk.

The risk profile: Afghanistan provides a summary and visualization of the national multi-hazard assessment.

The information provides essential data and information for policy decision-making, development planning, and infrastructure investments to ensure a more resilient future for Afghanistan.

Report: Afghanistan Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment

Road Map: Strengthening Hydromet and Early Warning Services in Afghanistan

Last Updated: Dec 19, 2018


The Afghanistan geonode is a public platform dedicated to creating, sharing and accessing geospatial data and maps for decision-making about disaster risk.

Last Updated: May 02, 2017

