Gender Learning 2021 - How to Support Women Farmers: Evidence and Operational Examples


Around the world, women are farmers – whether they are responsible for managing small garden plots for family food security or commercial agriculture and value-added products (dairy, processed horticulture, honey, etc.) - but few if any governments provide tailored programs for women farmers, and many governments fail to see women in agriculture as farmers. In sub-Saharan Africa, for example, it is estimated that more than 60 percent of all employed women work in agriculture and that women supply about 40 percent of total agricultural labor. Yet relative to their male counterparts, female farmers face disproportionate barriers hindering their productivity and incomes, such as weaker land rights and poorer access to labor and non-labor inputs, as well as information and finance, and they can be subject to social norms discouraging their participation in agricultural markets.

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Course Details

  • Language: English
  • Mode: Journey