”More Space for Sustainable Development”, a brief intro to ESA’s strategic partnership with the WB is presented by Christoph Aubrecht, ESA representative to the World Bank. He speaks about the European Copernicus program and the associated satellite sensors and ESA's Earth Observation for Sustainable Development (EO4SD) programme with its thematic clusters.
Through this Journey, learn about ESA-EO4SD Initiative’s Urban Development Cluster: Achievements + Progress to Date by Thomas Haeusler (GAF, lead of EO4SD-Urban consortium), who speaks about the EO4SD-Urban project and its tailored geospatial product portfolio. Get a summary on the collaborative efforts with WB programmes - products delivered, spatial analytics possible on the EO4SD products and capacity-building events. Also listen to welcoming remarks by Sameh Naguib Wahba, Global Director, Urban, Disaster Risk Management, Resilience, and Land, World Bank.

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Course Details
- Language: English
- Mode: Journey