eLearning course on Transport Connectivity, Logistics and Regional Integration (Self-Paced)


The course consists of five modules, being the first on trade, Global Value Chains and regional integration. The second module explores economic aspects of logistics and connectivity, aiming at improved market and logistics efficiency and competitiveness. It also shows the importance of transport corridors and how to enhance their planning and operationalization, analyzing the BRI (Belt and Road Initiative. The third module investigates how logistics interact with the community and public. Points to be considered in this module include land use, inclusiveness, territorial inequality, safety, access, equity, among others. It introduces some aspects on transport resilience, focusing on connectivity and regional integration. The fourth module is specifically on Green Logistics, starting with climate change and the NDCs and entering on the decarbonization of the transport sector and showing the path forward. In this context, the last module is about understanding, forecasting and preparing for the future of logistics and to get regional transport to the next step. To do so, it will look into the technological aspects of logistics and connectivity. Finally, it discusses the fiscal aspects of transport connectivity, how to prioritize investments, alternative financing methods, and the importance of the private sector.

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How to Access the Course Content

To access the course content, please follow the below registration steps:

  1. Open https://wbg.edcast.com/
  2. Navigate to “No account?” and select “Create one!”. Select “Next” to continue with the next step.
  3. Enter the code that you received via email at the “Enter Code” field. Select “Sign in” to continue with the next step.
  4. Fill in your First and Last Names and select a preferred communication language. Select “Next” to continue with the next step.
  5. Select up to five learning goals. Select “Next” to continue with the next step.
  6. Select up to five skills. Select “Next” to continue with the next step.
  7. Congratulations and welcome to the OLC! You’ll find additional tips and suggestions inside the “Welcome to the Open Learning Campus” channel at the top of the home page.

Course Details

  • Mode: Self-Paced