When appropriately planned and properly implemented as part of a larger public transportation network, urban rail systems can provide rapid urban mobility and vital access to city centers from surrounding districts. Improving transportation enhances quality of life by giving citizens access to employment opportunities, essential services, urban amenities, and neighboring communities. High-performing urban rail services can help reduce both traffic congestion and vehicular emissions. They also have the potential to drive local investment and the development of more walkable and livable communities when supported by enabling land use and development policies. Therefore, urban rail projects must be carefully approached as development projects. The purpose of the learning material is to draw attention to the newly published Urban Rail Development Handbook and emphasize its key messages regarding the planning, implementation, and operations of urban rail projects. The modules walk audience members through critical considerations at each stage of project development, empowering them to ask the right questions and be introduced to the key tools available to answer them. Each module has its own distinct learning objectives.
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How to Access the Course Content
To access the course content, please follow the below registration steps:
- Open https://wbg.edcast.com/
- Navigate to “No account?” and select “Create one!”. Select “Next” to continue with the next step.
- Enter the code that you received via email at the “Enter Code” field. Select “Sign in” to continue with the next step.
- Fill in your First and Last Names and select a preferred communication language. Select “Next” to continue with the next step.
- Select up to five learning goals. Select “Next” to continue with the next step.
- Select up to five skills. Select “Next” to continue with the next step.
- Congratulations and welcome to the OLC! You’ll find additional tips and suggestions inside the “Welcome to the Open Learning Campus” channel at the top of the home page.
Course Details
- Mode: Self-Paced