Open Data for Data Users (Self-Paced)


The “Open Data for Data Users” e-learning course is designed to provide a broad overview of Open Data from a user standpoint, and empower anyone to take full advantage of Open Data. Open Data is a growing movement that attempts to remove most of the technical and legal barriers to use of public data, and realize much greater social and economic benefits of data use. Open Data initiatives have been gaining ground for many years, and over 500 Open Data catalogs are now in operation around the globe. However, users often lack the skills and data literacy necessary to take advantage of Open Data and realize its full benefits. This is often especially true in developing countries, where capacity can be low and access to the latest learning resources is often limited. This course is intended for anyone who wants to make better use of Open Data, including ordinary citizens, and assumes no prior knowledge of Open Data or technical skills. It is particularly intended for users in developing countries. This course provides users with the knowledge and specific skills they need to understand and use Open Data effectively and responsibly, and to participate fully in the Open Data community. Users that complete this course will have acquired the following: A thorough understanding of the definition, significance, benefits, and best practices relating to Open Data. Techniques to search, acquire, evaluate, and select Open Data from a diverse set of sources. Knowledge and application of Open Data licenses. Approaches to scrape, clean, and validate data where necessary. Basic techniques in data analysis and visualization. Best practices for presenting, citing, and sharing data and data insights publicly. Effective approaches for data storytelling. How to get started using Open Data for business.

About Open Learning Campus

All registered users of OLC can experience its impact of new features. If you are already registered with OLC you can directly sign in to the new system. If you are a new user then do register to avail of the dynamic learning opportunities from WBG to deepen your knowledge and skills on a variety of development related topics. For example, you will have access to timely resources such as:

  1. Ted like video talks
  2. Podcasts
  3. Formal learnings (i.e., Self-paced courses/Facilitated Courses/MOOCs)
  4. Live events and Knowledge Exchanges
  5. Communities of Practice

You will have access to an extensive catalog of resources through which you can search and discover relevant learning materials.

How to Access the Course Content

To access the course content, please follow the below registration steps:

  1. Open
  2. Navigate to “No account?” and select “Create one!”. Select “Next” to continue with the next step.
  3. Enter the code that you received via email at the “Enter Code” field. Select “Sign in” to continue with the next step.
  4. Fill in your First and Last Names and select a preferred communication language. Select “Next” to continue with the next step.
  5. Select up to five learning goals. Select “Next” to continue with the next step.
  6. Select up to five skills. Select “Next” to continue with the next step.
  7. Congratulations and welcome to the OLC! You’ll find additional tips and suggestions inside the “Welcome to the Open Learning Campus” channel at the top of the home page.

Course Details

  • Mode: Self-Paced