Food Safety Reforms, Learning from the Best: The New Zealand Food Safety System in Case Studies


Food Safety Reforms, Learning from the Best: The New Zealand Food Safety System in Case Studies is a self-paced learning course developed by the IFC Global Food Safety Advisory for experts involved in processes aimed at improving national food safety systems. It is continuation of a Food Safety Reform Training course developed for the Food Safety Toolkit by the World Bank that is intended to expand the knowledge base of World Bank staff on food safety reforms, thereby enhancing the staff’s ability to engage effectively with clients on food safety discussions and identify, assess, and manage food safety activities related to their operations. Thus, it is recommended to start with the abovementioned course or the Toolkit prior to taking this new course.

New Zealand’s food safety system has been selected to be used in this learning course because it is recognized as one of the best in the world. The course provides a wealth of information on food safety and shares links to tools that are used in the country to achieve great results.

The training course will be useful for those individuals involved in reforming national food safety systems in the public or private sector. The proposed case studies will be helpful in identifying and implementing solutions to various food safety–related problems in countries in which the trainees operate.

The case studies have been developed in cooperation with Te Taurapa Tūhono (New Zealand Trade and Enterprise), the New Zealand government's international business development agency, by New Zealand experts on the AsureQuality team specialized in health and food safety issues.

The training course has been launched with the support of the Facility for Investment Climate Advisory Services (FIAS).

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How to Access the Course Content

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Course Details

  • Mode: Self-Paced