This course is targeted for both World Bank staff and clients, as well as individuals working in development and are interested in the topic of conflict of interest risk management in public organizations.
The main objective of this course is to raise awareness on the basics of managing conflict of interest situations often seen in development projects, including “gray areas”, or situations that may not be violation of rules but require management. Participants will be able to gain basic skills for identifying, assessing and managing conflict of interest risks and also have a chance to participate in the discussion forum if they wish.
The course is divided into 3 modules:
1) What is conflict of interest risk management and why is it important?;
2) Applying conflict of interest risk management lens to tasks that are common in development projects; and
3) Challenges and pitfalls. The participants will also have access to knowledge checks (quizzes) and a resource section for further learning. (Note: World Bank rules/policies are given as indicative examples in this course, but this is not a World Bank compliance training).
This course was developed originally in 2018. This version reflects the updates made in 2024 by Advisory, Training and Values unit of the Ethics and Internal Justice Services (EIJ) Vice Presidency, in collaboration with colleagues from Institutions Global Department (Prosperity) and Leadership and Staff Development Department (Human Resources Vice Presidency) of the World Bank.
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