The World Bank Zambia Electricity Service Access Project has supported the country to improve electrification in rural areas by connecting more households and entrepreneurs to the grid through subsidizing their connection fees.
Zambia is one of the 12 countries to have signed an Energy Compact at the Mission 300 Africa Energy Summit, held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, on January 27-28, 2025. This was a landmark gathering focused on accelerating energy access across Africa. Mission 300’s goal is to provide electricity access to 300 million people in Africa by 2030.
Zambia’s National Energy Compact was presented at the summit and identifies specific policy measures to address constraints across the energy sector and sets targets based on its unique context.
The National Energy Compacts set ambitious targets with timelines for implementation to: 1) expand energy infrastructure at competitive costs, 2) leverage the benefits of regional power integration, 3) embrace distributed renewable energy and clean cooking solutions as critical elements of the access agenda, 4) foster greater private sector participation to unlock additional resources, and 5) strengthen utilities.