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StatementMarch 30, 2023

Readout from World Bank Group President David Malpass’s Meeting with Moctar Kassoum, Minister of Vocational Education of Niger

NIAMEY, March 30, 2023 – Today, World Bank Group President David Malpass met with Moctar Kassoum, Minister of Vocational Education, and representatives from the Ministry of Education and the National Office of Population.

President Malpass and Minister Kassoum discussed Niger’s urgent need to build more schools, train more teachers, and improve girls’ education. President Malpass commended the government on its commitment to raise education outcomes and the strong focus on girls' education.

President Malpass and Minister Kassoum spoke about the World Bank's support to Niger to improve school infrastructure, including replacing straw hut schools with durable construction, creating boarding schools for girls, accelerating teacher training, and other vocational education programs. President Malpass also noted the World Bank’s continued commitment to provide partnership to Niger on this agenda.


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