WASHINGTON, November 21, 2023 - The World Bank today approved a $163 million project to support Cambodia’s efforts to strengthen water supply and sanitation services in four provinces, benefiting over 175,000 people.
While Cambodia has made substantial progress on increasing access to improved water supply and sanitation, further efforts are needed to achieve the country’s targets and meet the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 of clean water and sanitation for all by 2030. In 2022, less than a third of Cambodians had access to a safely managed water supply, and just over a third used safely managed sanitation.
“Access to safe water supply and sanitation is a fundamental human right,” said Maryam Salim, World Bank Country Manager for Cambodia. “This support will help the government build a strong foundation for making these essential services available to all Cambodians and will bring rapid benefits to women and people in poor and rural areas, which are currently particularly underserved.”
The six-year Water Supply and Sanitation Acceleration Project will support government actions to increase access to safe water supply and sanitation, improve the operation and maintenance of existing systems, and ensure the sustainability of services. The project includes an activity to maximize finance for development, working with the private operators that provide over half of all piped water connections in Cambodia to mobilize another $17.6 million in private funding to expand water supply services.
“The water sector is a priority area for resilient and sustainable development and for enhancing the economy,” said Hem Vanndy, Minister of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation. “This project will help the government implement its vision and overall development strategy, and we are committed to ensuring sustainable growth in the sector and to achieving SDG 6.”
“The Royal Government of Cambodia pays great attention on wastewater and fecal sludge management, thus investments in sanitation systems under the project are instrumental for the sustainability of sanitation services which will bring positive transformation to the sector,” said Peng Ponea, Minister of Public Works and Transport.
The Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation will implement water supply activities and the Ministry of Public Works and Transport will implement urban sanitation activities under the project. The targeted provinces are Battambang, Pursat, Mondul Kiri and Kandal.